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ISTANBUL: Turkey's 1980 coup more significant than reform poll

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  • ISTANBUL: Turkey's 1980 coup more significant than reform poll

    Hurriyet, Turkey
    Sept 11 2010

    Turkey's 1980 coup more significant than reform poll, expert says

    Saturday, September 11, 2010
    ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

    This file photo shows members of the military sitting in the Turkish
    Parliament as Kenan Evren, the leader of the 1980 coup, speaks six
    months later. AA photo

    Compared to the changes in Turkish mentality and in the way politics
    have been conducted since the Sept. 12, 1980 coup, a `yes' or `no' in
    Sunday's referendum will bear no great significance, according to a
    political science expert.

    `Turkey suffered heavy damage after the Sept. 12 coup,' said Maya
    Arakon, assistant professor from Yeditepe University. For her, the
    post-1980 denialist mentality of the state was nothing less than
    fascism. `The coup brought the standardization of minds, the
    destruction of thought, the transforming of a thinking person into one
    who obeys, the cancellation of philosophy classes at schools and the
    establishment of mandatory religion classes instead.'

    The referendum falling on the 30th anniversary of the 1980 coup was
    not intentional, but the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP,
    has used the coincidence to highlight the symbolism of the date,
    saying this is a chance to empower the civilian elements of the state
    by reforming the junta-made Constitution.

    Arakon told the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review that she thought
    it was ironic that contemporary secular circles believe the AKP will
    transform Turkey into a theocratic state and are now looking to the
    military as their champion. `It was the military itself that brought
    the Turk-Islam Synthesis with Sept. 12,' she said, referring to the
    general mentality that the attributes of Turkish ethnicity and Sunni
    Islam dovetailed with one another. She said the `synthesis' was a
    conservative ideological construct that sought to make people obey the
    state and was considered as an antidote to leftist radicalism and
    Islamic extremism.

    Creating cookie-cutter Turks in the post-coup era

    `Our social memory is weak; we should remember [coup leader Gen.
    Kenan] Evren legitimized the coup by reading verses from the Quran,'
    she said.

    The militarist mentality that has been present since Turkey's founding
    went to extremes after the coup and granted `holiness' to the state,
    the military and its every institution, Arakon said. `In democracies,
    the state serves the people. In Turkey, the people serve the state.'

    Being a `standard Turk' was the norm. `I have always tried to tell
    people I am not a `gavur' [non-Muslim or foreigner] because my name is
    uncommon,' she said.

    `[Murdered Armenian-Turkish journalist] Hrant Dink was an important
    person for me. He was the son of these lands but nobody perceived him
    so, why? Because he was Armenian,' she said.

    The foundation of the Supreme Board of Education, or YÃ-K, was a great
    blow to academia, she said, adding that dozens of professors and
    hundreds of academic staff were forced to resign from posts for their
    leftist beliefs.

    In the 1980s, meanwhile, `children grew up learning just national
    values, not universal ones. The apolitical generation of the 1980s is
    now holding jobs.'

    Moreover, a small-minded society that cannot feel empathy for anyone
    was produced because they have been taught nothing but `the glorious
    history of Turks,' she said.

    `Mountain Turks,' assimilation and the PKK

    `Sept. 12 completely finished off the left, but the gravest damage
    done was to the legal awakening of Kurds.'

    The official policy of the coup era was that there was no such people
    as the Kurds ` those who defined themselves as such were merely
    `mountain Turks' according to the nationalist logic, which also
    suspended reality in arguing that the word `Kurd' was simply the
    onomatopoeia of the crunching sound one makes when walking in the

    This policy of total denial and assimilation laid the groundwork for
    the lasting influence of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party, or
    PKK, Arakon said. `Even today, we have politicians and a large mass of
    people who say there is no such thing as a Kurdish problem.'

    Toward Islamism in the 1990s and 2000s

    The 10-percent election barrier brought by the 1980 coup was `an
    anti-democratic practice' sought to ensure a one-party government in
    power and prevent Kurdish political participation, Arakon said.

    `You push a movement toward violence when you marginalize it ` this is
    one of the first things you learn in political science,' she said.

    In the 1990s, right-wing parties like the Motherland Party, or ANAP,
    and the True Path Party, or DYP, as well as the left-wing parties like
    the Social Democratic People's Party, or SHP, and the Democratic Left
    Party, or DSP, were important players on the political stage, but the
    largest political event during the decade was the rise of political

    `The seed of the Turk-Islam Synthesis was planted in the 1980s and
    over time it grew, especially with the rise of the Islamist Welfare
    Party [RP].'

    Later, in the 2002 elections, the AKP came to power and was only
    joined in Parliament by the Republican People's party, or CHP, which
    had failed to clear the election hurdle during the previous election.

    `A party that considered Islam as its identity came into power [on its
    own] for the first time,' she said, adding that the AKP's success
    could not have happened beforehand due to the secularist military, but
    was made possible in 2002 thanks to the strength of the pious
    Anatolian bourgeoisie.

    `The metropolitan Kemalist bourgeoisie was removed from power' when
    this happened, she said.

    `The Kurdish party [BDP] is a change from the past, [however],' she
    said, noting the lack of previous Kurdish political participation.

    Ultimately, however, there is little prospect for a new or radical
    movement emerging to change the general political atmosphere in the
    short term, Arakon said.

    `The referendum is not that important'

    `Whoever wins, our daily lives will not be that different,' said
    Arakon, `If it is a `yes,' Turkey will be a bit more democratic, which
    is a good thing, but if it is a `no,' well, this is the Constitution
    we have been living with for all those years already.'

    Ultimately, the present constitutional reform referendum is not as
    important as it is being promoted, Arakon said, adding that it was
    anti-democratic to include so many articles together in a single

    `We will not be governed by Shariah if it is a `yes' ` if it were so,
    it would have happened in 2002,' Arakon said in reference to a common
    secularist fear that the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP,
    secretly harbors an Islamist agenda.

    `The threat is authoritarianism and standardization. Turkey is
    becoming more civilian because the military is being questioned now,
    but it is not becoming more democratic,' she said.

    `Every democratization requires demilitarization, but not every
    demilitarization means democratization,' she said.

    From: A. Papazian