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Azerbaijan's acts of sabotage result of nervous fits

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  • Azerbaijan's acts of sabotage result of nervous fits, Armenia
    Sept 11 2010

    Azerbaijan's acts of sabotage result of nervous fits

    September 11, 2010 | 14:36

    The aim of Azerbaijan's acts of sabotage on the line of contact with
    the Nagorno-Karabakh armed forces is not a military settlement of the
    problem. Rather, the reason is the forthcoming parliamentary elections
    in the country. The acts of sabotage reveal Azerbaijan being nervous
    as well as its attempts to blackmail the international community,
    Alexander Iskandaryan, Director of the Caucasus Institute, told

    According to him, Azerbaijan's acts of sabotage on the contact line
    are no mere coincidence, their aim being to `check' the
    Nagorno-Karabakh army's effectiveness and alert. `They did and got
    their teeth crushed,' the expert said.

    As to the OSCE Minsk Group's nonspecific statements, calling on the
    conflicting parties to refrain from violation of ceasefire,
    Iskandaryan pointed out that `It is not difficult to understand the
    OSCE Minsk Group. They, as mediators, must work with all the
    conflicting parties. And, if the co-chairs speak straight from the
    shoulder instead of using diplomatic terms, the work will fail,' the
    expert said. Commenting on the co-chairs' visit to the region,
    Iskandaryan said that they thus wanted to show the process is going

    From: A. Papazian