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Turkish Authorities Did Not Do Enough To Protect Rights Of Murdered

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  • Turkish Authorities Did Not Do Enough To Protect Rights Of Murdered

    by Adam Wagner

    UK Human Rights Blog
    Sept 14 2010

    Dink v Turkey (Applications no. 2668/07, 6102/08, 30079/08, 7072/09
    and 7124/09) - This summary is based on the European Court of Human
    Rights press release.

    In the case of Dink v. Turkey the European Court of Human Rights
    concluded that the authorities failed in their duty to protect the
    life and freedom of expression of the journalist Firat (Hrant) Dink,
    a prominent member of the Armenian minority in Turkey who was murdered
    in 2007.

    Dink was a Turkish journalist of Armenian origin, and the publication
    director and editor-in-chief of Agos, a Turkish-Armenian weekly

    Between November 2003 and February 2004 Fırat Dink published eight
    articles in Agos in which he expressed his views on the identity of
    Turkish citizens of Armenian origin. In particular, in the sixth and
    seventh articles of the series, he wrote that Armenians' obsession
    with having their status as victims of genocide recognised had become
    their raison d'être, that this need on their part was treated with
    indifference by Turkish people and that this explained why the traumas
    suffered by the Armenians remained a live issue. In his view, the
    Turkish element in Armenian identity was both a poison and an antidote.

    On 19 January 2007 Fırat Dink was killed by three bullets to the head.

    The suspected perpetrator was arrested in Samsun (Turkey). In April
    2007 the Istanbul public prosecutor's office instituted criminal
    proceedings against 18 accused. The proceedings are still pending.

    Relying in particular on Article 2, the applicants other than Fırat
    Dink complained that the State had failed in its obligation to protect
    the life of Fırat Dink. Under the same provision, they alleged that
    the criminal proceedings brought against the State agents concerned
    for failing to protect the journalist's life had been ineffective. On
    the latter point they also relied on Article 13. Under Article 10 in
    particular, they further alleged that the fact that Fırat Dink had
    been found guilty of denigrating Turkish identity had infringed his
    freedom of expression and made him a target for nationalist extremists.

    Violation of Article 2 (right to life)

    The Court took the view that the Turkish security forces could
    reasonably be considered to have been aware of the intense hostility
    towards Fırat Dink in nationalist circles. The investigations
    carried out by the Istanbul public prosecutor's office and the Interior
    Ministry investigators had highlighted the fact that the police in both
    Trabzon and Istanbul, and the Trabzon gendarmerie, had been informed
    of the likelihood of an assassination attempt and even of the identity
    of the suspected instigators. In view of the circumstances, the threat
    of an assassination could be said to have been real and imminent.

    There had also been a breach of Article 2 (in its "procedural aspect"),
    as no effective investigation had been carried out into the failures
    which occurred in protecting the life of Fırat Dink.

    Violation of Article 10 (right of freedom of expression)

    The Court shared the view of Principal State Counsel at the Court
    of Cassation that an analysis of the full series of articles in
    which Fırat Dink used the impugned expression showed clearly that
    what he described as "poison" had not been "Turkish blood", as held
    by the Court of Cassation, but the "perception of Turkish people"
    by Armenians and the obsessive nature of the Armenian diaspora's
    campaign to have Turkey recognise the events of 1915 as genocide.

    After analysing the manner in which the Court of Cassation had
    interpreted and given practical expression to the notion of Turkish
    identity, the Court concluded that, in reality, it had indirectly
    punished Fırat Dink for criticising the State institutions' denial
    of the view that the events of 1915 amounted to genocide.

    The Court reiterated that Article 10 of the Convention prohibited
    restrictions on freedom of expression in the sphere of political
    debate and issues of public interest, and that the limits of
    acceptable criticism were wider for the Government than for a private
    individual. It further observed that the author had been writing in
    his capacity as a journalist on an issue of public concern. Lastly,
    it reiterated that it was an integral part of freedom of expression
    to seek historical truth. The Court therefore concluded that Fırat
    Dink's conviction for denigrating Turkish identity had not answered
    any "pressing social need".

    The Court also stressed that States were required to create a
    favourable environment for participation in public debate by all
    the persons concerned, enabling them to express their opinions
    and ideas without fear. In a case like the present one, the State
    must not just refrain from any interference with the individual's
    freedom of expression, but was also under a "positive obligation"
    to protect his or her right to freedom of expression against attack,
    including by private individuals. In view of its findings concerning
    the authorities' failure to protect Fırat Dink against the attack
    by members of an extreme nationalist group and concerning the guilty
    verdict handed down in the absence of a "pressing social need", the
    Court concluded that Turkey's "positive obligations" with regard to
    Fırat Dink's freedom of expression had not been complied with.

    There had therefore been a violation of Article 10.


    The Court held, in respect of non-pecuniary damage, that Turkey was
    to pay 100,000 euros (EUR) jointly to Fırat Dink's wife and children
    and EUR 5,000 to his brother. It was also to pay EUR 28,595 to the
    applicants jointly for costs and expenses.

    From: A. Papazian