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BAKU: Azerbaijan Should Rely On 'Sound Pragmatism' In Ties With Turk

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan Should Rely On 'Sound Pragmatism' In Ties With Turk

    Akper Hasanov News.Az
    Sept 14 2010

    Araz Alizade News.Az interviews the chairman of the Social Democratic
    Party of Azerbaijan, Araz Alizade.

    How would you comment on the results of the referendum on amendments
    to the constitution in Turkey?

    The developments were expected. The referendum on amendments to the
    Turkish constitution is a small step towards democracy as it limits
    the army's potential to interfere in the political life of the state.

    But at the same time the ruling party of Turkey may be strengthened
    by the result of the referendum and rule the country for a long time.

    Despite the declarations of the Turkish leadership, the country will
    move not towards Europe with its values, but towards the Islamic world.

    Then why did the European Union welcome the results of the referendum
    in Turkey?

    It is not that simple. Most of the 26 amendments, whether supported
    or not by the citizens of Turkey, have been approved by the EU which
    Turkey would like to join. The EU has got what it wanted. I am sure
    that they will make new demands on Turkey but will never admit Turkey
    to the EU. On the contrary, the EU is actually well aware that after
    the referendum Turkey will move toward the Islamic world. And this
    is what the organization will cite as the reason for its further
    unwillingness to admit Turkey. The EU will benefit completely:
    Turkey has accepted the recommended amendments to the constitution,
    and at the same time has chosen a way of further development which
    will give the EU grounds to reject its membership.

    Is Turkey likely to recognize the Armenian claims of genocide in the
    Ottoman Empire?

    Certainly not. Armenians worldwide demand not only that Turkey
    recognize the mythical "Armenian Genocide" in the Ottoman Empire but
    also pay compensation of several hundreds of billions of dollars. In
    addition, they will also use all means to make claims on Turkish land,
    for example, on six provinces in the country.

    How may the referendum affect Turkish-Azerbaijani relations?

    Azerbaijan needs to separate emotions from pragmatism and to conduct
    an equal, mutually profitable policy towards Turkey, as it does with
    any other state. We have already seen the readiness of the current
    leadership of Turkey to ignore the interests of Azerbaijan when
    the Turkish-Armenian dialogue started. The parties even signed the
    Turkish-Armenian protocols in Zurich. If the Azerbaijani leadership,
    in the person of our president Ilham Aliyev, had not taken a firm,
    tough position on this issue, it is not clear where relations between
    Turkey and Armenia would be now, even though Armenia is disregarding
    the norms of international law and occupying one-fifth of our land.

    The Turkish leadership acted pragmatically, realizing the losses the
    state would incur as a result of ignoring Azerbaijan's interests and
    allowing other motives to dominate. Therefore, we must rely on sound
    pragmatism in relations with Turkey.

    From: A. Papazian