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Shame Is Concealing It and Refusing To Struggle Against It

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  • Shame Is Concealing It and Refusing To Struggle Against It

    by Hovhannes Kiramijian

    Chorrord Inknishkhanutiun
    #186 (Internet Issue #965), (internet article #11235)
    September 17, 2010, Friday

    The latest YouTube video remains the number one topic for discussions
    in social and political circles. It's still a hot topic for debates in
    various social networks.

    Here's a recap: a half-naked male, most likely a serviceman, beats up
    conscripts alternately by inflicting blows on their ears. The copy of
    the video at alone had
    over 8000 viewers as of yesterday, and the number of comments had
    grown beyond 400. Curses are dominant in the comments. The 4 minutes
    and 42 seconds long footage is most likely only a chunk of all that
    has happened in reality since it begins when the soldiers are already
    being hit, and it ends when the other conscript comes to get his share
    of the beating.

    On the 2nd second of the footage one can hear "come close and take a
    seat"=3B 00:12 - a cuss in Armenian=3B 1:49 - "Pour me some beer"=3B
    2:01 - "That one is Bakur, right?", an old man's coarse voice "Now
    what is he doing?"=3B 3:20 - "Run!" After that the soldier who was
    being hit goes away to fetch water. "Come a little forward" is heard
    at 3:26 - it is the offender saying it to the soldier who is squatting
    a little farther from him. After that the soldier comes near and gets
    a beating. There's a 3-liter plastic bottle of natural juice made in
    Armenia in the video recording. On the right side of the screen,
    there's a roll of toilet paper - judging by its cover it's sold at
    numerous stores throughout Armenia. The conscripts and the offender
    wear military uniforms used in the Armenian army. The video was
    recorded on a cell-phone - the videographer can be seen hiding the
    cell-phone behind some cloth, probably his uniform. Considering all
    this, it can be concluded that the people in the video recording are
    citizens of the Republic of Armenia and serve in the Armed Forces of
    the Republic of Armenia. Below is a list of comments left by YouTube
    viewers regarding the incident

    -razmik88: Whoever has uploaded the video is a traitor and must be
    shot dead against a wall. Anyone can make such a video, the uniform
    is sold in Vernisazh.

    -snver: The murdered soldiers' blood, young men's blood has been
    lately up for sale in Vernisazh. Think a little, then write. Treason
    is to concealing such facts and tolerate them. The behavior of people
    like yours lowers the military efficiency of our army.

    -torgom91: I don't understand why you feel about - if this is
    authentic Armenian footage, then that is our face. Let them see. Why
    not? He has done a good job by posting it - we show what we are.

    -snver: Nothing surprises in this country anymore. The President,
    Prime Minister and the Ministers talk big and are capable of
    pretending to be even more catholic than the Pope himself. That's why
    people leave the country (at all cost), young men avoid serving for
    the country (the recent incidents in the army are an evidence),
    people with high scientific/scholarly potential leave the country.

    -StepanGor: Bro, let's say the minister is not in his position. But
    the servicemen and officers are who make the army what it is, right?
    What minister are you talking about? How can that fat pig torture
    those kids. Or those beasts who silently relish the situation behind
    the scene or simply do nothing. Let's speak about a regular Armenian
    not being in his position. There will never be "kind tzars" or kings
    in life. There's no such thing. People themselves have to be stand up
    for their rights. You, myself and the rest.

    -ArmenAntonyan: Shame on you, Armenians, take this video out of
    here. Are you the enemy of the nation or what?

    -snver: Not the video ought to be removed but the Defense Minister of
    the Republic of Armenia because such things are taking place in the
    army. This is an order? How about the recent murders?... Those have
    been orders, as well. The shame is concealing it and refusing to
    struggle against it.

    -serobo100: I'm already fed up - they are Azeris, not Azeris, they are
    Kyrgyz, Turks=85 We see what we see: a thick neck whose face is
    clearly visible humiliates other persons and tortures them. Those
    people who express doubts on the authenticity of the footage in their
    comments are either women or guys who have been exempt from the army
    due to lunacy.

    A struggle is necessary to make sure such immoral people are tried,
    and not to find out who uploaded the video: Everybody's faces are
    clearly visible. It just requires some work.

    -arturo3312: Dear people, send this video to your friends, let
    everyone watch it, someone may recognize either the soldiers or that
    son of beast commander. That's the only way to find and punish him.

    -tikooo1: Well, after all this go ahead and have your son join the
    army. this scum should be publicly disgraced so that it becomes a
    lesson for the others.

    P.S. Judging by the discussions it becomes clear that a lot of people
    don't understand the part of the statement made Armenia's Ministry of
    Defense, where the military leadership condemns not the offender but
    the one who has dared disseminate the video recording. In a normal
    country, the Defense Minister would offer a reward for any information
    about the video recording, whereas in Armenia everything is done so
    that even someone who knows something keeps silent, forever. It is a
    pity but a fact that having won the war, we're losing in the times of
    peace. We won the Artsakh war because people who fought there loved
    their country, their homeland. We won because if we didn't, we would
    lose Artsakh, a part of Armenia. We gained victory because our freedom
    fighters knew what they were dying for=3B we won because we were
    fighting not for the hatred toward the enemy, rather for the love of
    our homeland=3B the homeland whose soldiers are being humiliated in
    the army and "commit suicide"=3B the homeland whose policemen stood up
    against the people, as a result of which 10 people died=3B the
    homeland where Levon Gulyan and Vahan Khalafyan died while giving
    testimony to the policemen=3B and, finally, the homeland whose heroes
    were sent to jail.

    From: A. Papazian