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BAKU: EC decision may make ROA pay compensation to Lachin plaintiffs

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  • BAKU: EC decision may make ROA pay compensation to Lachin plaintiffs, Azerbaijan
    Sept 17 2010

    European Court's decision may make Armenia pay compensaion to Lachin plaintiffs
    Sat 18 September 2010 12:45 GMT | 8:45 Local Time

    Chingiz Askarov 'If the European Court's decision will be positive,
    Armenia will have to pay compensation to plaintiffs of Lachin', said
    Chingiz Askarov.
    Azerbaijan's authorized representative in the European Court of Human
    Rights Chingiz Askarov disclosured to jounrnalists on the case of
    'Chiragov and others vs Armenia'.

    Chingiz Askarov noted that Azerbaijani government attented a court as
    a third side.

    'Azerbaijani government expressed the position as a side. I think that
    the court was satisfied. Questions related to each other were raised
    on the case. No additional documents were required since the submitted
    ones satisfied the court. We hope for a positive result ", said
    Askarov. He also noted that the court will consider the claim
    depending on its admissibility and importance.'

    'The court will consider the complaint depending to its admissibility
    and importance. The significance of the claim is obvious. Human rights
    were violated. If this is fixed by the court, the question will arise
    about the compensation for moral and material damage. No hearings will
    be held on this case. The court will pass a decision in some time', he

    According to C. Askarov the hearing on the case of 'Chiragov and
    others vs Armenia' is over. The decisions of judges may continue for
    1-2 months then they will disclosure their positions.

    Note that, on September 15, the European Court of Human Rights in
    Strasbourg held open hearings on claims of 6 Azerbaijani refugees
    forced from Lachin - Fakhraddin Pashayev, Ramiz Jabrailov, Sagatel
    Jabrailov, Akif Hasanov, Adishirin Chiragov and Elkhan Chiragov. The
    complaint of the Azerbaijani citizens says that their property rights
    were violated and they demand compensation.


    From: A. Papazian