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BAKU: Moscow sends a signal to parties to conflict - Turkish expert

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  • BAKU: Moscow sends a signal to parties to conflict - Turkish expert, Azerbaijan
    Sept 17 2010

    Moscow sends a signal to parties to conflict - Turkish expert
    Sat 18 September 2010 12:37 GMT | 8:37 Local Time

    Sinan Ogan A Turkish expert spoke about the possible impact of
    prolongation of the term of the Russian base in Armenia on regional
    'The military agreement signed between Russia and Armenia to extend
    the stay of the Russian military base for 49 years, of course, poses a
    threat to the countries in the region, and especially Turkey and

    Therefore, it is necessary to analyze all of these processes
    carefully, and develop the tactics that will reduce the risks posed by
    the Russian military base in Armenia', said Turkish political
    scientist and director of the Center for Strategic Studies of Turkey
    TURKSAM Sinan Ogan.

    According to him, by signing this agreement, Moscow apparently sends a
    signal to the parties in conflict, which means it will not allow a
    military action in Nagorno-Karabakh, though Azerbaijan has the full
    right to return its occupied lands through force.

    As for whether it is possible to create a Turkish military base in
    Nakhchivan, the political analyst said that it would not be a very
    good idea.

    'Moscow will misinterpret the placement of Turkish troops in
    Nakhchivan which will create a crisis in the Russian-Turkish and
    Azerbaijani-Russian relations. So it is too early to speak about it.
    Now our main task is not to strain the already tense situation in the
    region, but on the contrary, to calmly change the situation in our
    favor', said the analyst.


    From: A. Papazian