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Orange Supports Bambir band to represent Armenia at EuroVoice

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  • Orange Supports Bambir band to represent Armenia at EuroVoice

    With the support of Orange the Bambir band will represent Armenia at
    the European music contest EuroVoice

    Noyan Tapan
    18.09.2010 | 16:16

    With the support of Orange this year the Bambir band will leave for
    Athens in order to participate in the EuroVoice TV music contest to be
    held on September 23 and 24, in the famous Olympic stadium.

    Bruno Duthoit, Orange CEO, said: « Being a very active player in the
    economic and social life of Armenia, we cannot not to have our
    participation in the cultural life of the country as well. As a
    European operator,we are happy to support talented musicians of
    Armenia to take part in European and especially youth projects, which
    will allow not only to let discover their talents, but also to
    represent Armenia. These guys are very well known in Armenia and we
    will help them to be known in Europe as well. We wish them all
    success, they really have big chances to win».

    Bambir has been selected to represent Armenia by the results of the
    internet voting, having collected the largest number of votes. On
    EuroVoice Bambir will represent Armenia with the song «That's fine
    with us», which has been publicly presented for the first time today
    at the press conference held at the Orange Flagship store. According
    to the results of the general voting Bambir has been ranking second
    since May and has the largest number of listeners: 26 015.

    From: A. Papazian