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No UN special representative capable to resolve Karabakh conflict

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  • No UN special representative capable to resolve Karabakh conflict

    No UN special representative capable to resolve Karabakh conflict

    September 18, 2010 - 14:54 AMT 09:54 GMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    Director of Caucasus Institute, political analyst Alexander
    Iskandaryan said that no UN special representative is capable to
    facilitate the Karabakh conflict settlement.

    `The OSCE Minsk Group abolishment, far less its duplication in another
    instance will decelerate even the current process,' Iskandaryan told a
    PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

    According to him, similar statements are propaganda rather than real
    attempts aimed at accelerating the conflict resolution. `Readiness for
    compromises is required for real facilitation,' Iskandaryan said.

    The idea to appoint a special representative for Nagorno Karabakh was
    suggested by Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Vice-president of the Reflection
    Group on the long-term future of the European Union, and Anne-Marie
    Lizin, President of the Senate of Belgium.

    From: A. Papazian