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Water Complicates Karabakh Peace Talks

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  • Water Complicates Karabakh Peace Talks

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting IWPR, UK
    No. 559
    Sept 17 2010


    Armenians fear losing important source of water in negotiations over
    future of the territory.

    By Karine Ohanyan

    The Armenian residents of the town they call Karvachar boast of the
    quality and quantity of their water.

    `We have the most delicious and cleanest water. It does not need
    filtering. You can drink it straight from the river. Apart from this,
    in Karvachar, unlike in many regions and towns of Karabakh, the water
    comes round-the-clock,' said Alexander Kananyan, who has lived in the
    town for nine years.

    And their water is valued beyond the town. Nagorny Karabakh, a state
    carved out of Soviet Azerbaijan by local Armenians, relies on this
    region for more than 80 per cent of its drinking supply.

    The trouble, however, is that Karvachar has another name: Kelbajar, by
    which it is known to ethnic Azeris, as well as on maps of the region
    from Soviet times and before. Unlike most of Karabakh, the town did
    not form part of the Autonomous Region of Nagorny Karabakh within
    Soviet Azerbaijan, and that means it is treated separately in peace
    talks currently going on.

    Therefore, experts say that if Baku gets its way, the town will be
    returned to its control whatever the fate of Karabakh, which has
    declared independence but not been recognised as an independent state
    by any members of the United Nations.

    "The peace deal currently under discussion, like almost all others,
    envisages the return of almost all the seven Azerbaijani regions which
    are now wholly or partially under Armenian military control in
    exchange for some kind of 'interim international status' for Nagorny
    Karabakh itself and the promise of a popular vote in the future on its
    final status,' said Thomas de Waal, an expert on Caucasus issues at
    the Carnegie Endowment's Russia and Eurasia Programme.

    `There will be a special status for Lachin, which is the land bridge
    between Armenia and Nagorny Karabakh and it is anticipated that
    Kelbajar, the largest Azerbaijan region under Armenian control, which
    is strategically situated between Armenia and Nagorny Karabakh, will
    be handed back later than the other provinces.'

    But Karabakh Armenians insist even that is unacceptable. Leaving aside
    the fact that under its constitution, the republic claims all
    territory that it currently controls, not just the territory of the
    Soviet-era Autonomous Region, they see the district between Karabakh
    and Armenia as crucial to their security.

    `The territory of Karabakh within the administrative border of the
    Autonomous Region is extremely vulnerable from the point of view of
    securing its water resources. The lion's share of water resources in
    the former Autonomous Region has its origin outside of its
    administrative limits. The rivers Terter and Khachen, which start
    within the Karvachar region, bring in 83.4 per cent of the yearly
    average of Karabakh's main water supply,' said David Babayan, who has
    studied water issues in Karabakh for several years.

    `Today, Nagorny Karabakh is in a position to almost entirely provide
    for its own environmental security and its water resources, and in
    this context the Karvachar region plays a key role... Therefore, if we
    lose this region the water security of Karabakh would be under serious

    Most of the present-day residents of the town and its neighbouring
    region are ethnic Armenians who fled areas currently controlled by
    Azeri troops during the Karabakh war, which ended with a ceasefire in
    1994 but which has not been resolved.

    Peace talks are chaired by France, Russia and the United States, who
    make up the so-called Minsk Group, but have not moved forward
    significantly in the face of irreconcilable differences between the
    two sides.

    Azerbaijan insists on regaining control of the territory it lost but
    local residents like Marianna Hovsepyan, who moved to the town from
    Sumgait, the scene of three days of anti-Armenian riots in 1988 that
    marked the start of major bloodshed between the two ethnic
    communities, are adamant they would never allow that to happen.

    `How could you even consider it,' she asked. `We with difficulty built
    here a second house, got our lives together, and now it's not clear
    what's waiting for us. This will never happen. Even when Karabakh
    president Bako Sahakyan came to Karvachar, he said, `As long as
    Karabakh exists and I want to assure you all that it will always
    exist, Karvachar will be part of it.''

    Local residents well understand the importance of their town to the
    future of the whole South Caucasus.

    `Of course, the region has a strategic significance, because water is
    an important resource of the future, and not just of the present day.
    In worsening environmental conditions in the future, it will be a
    necessary and expensive resource,' said Alexander Kananyan, a
    36-year-old a local resident.

    `And of course, I'm not even talking about the military-strategic
    significance of the Karvachar region. This it the highest and most
    invulnerable part of Karabakh, and as a result whoever owns it, owns
    all of Karabakh.'

    Karine Ohanyan is a freelance journalist in Stepanakert.

    From: A. Papazian