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BAKU: Baku may agree on placement of peacekeepers in Karabakh confli

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  • BAKU: Baku may agree on placement of peacekeepers in Karabakh confli, Azerbaijan
    Sept 17 2010

    Baku may agree on placement of peacekeepers in Karabakh conflict
    Sat 18 September 2010 05:07 GMT | 09:07 Local Time

    Aydin Mirzazade News.Az interviews Aydin Mirzazade, deputy chairman of
    the parliamentary committee of defense and security of Milli Majlis.
    Representative of NATO Secretary General in the South Caucasus and
    Central Asia Robert Simmons has recently admitted possibility of
    placement of peacekeepers in Karabakh with the consent of Azerbaijan
    and Armenia at a news conference in Yerevan. Can this statement be
    viewed as NATO's plan for the nearest future?

    Naturally, this may come from the good intentions of NATO but at the
    same time this does not mean the resolution of the problem.
    Unfortunately, the NATO representative did not touch upon the problem
    of occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia, did not confirm the
    need to comply with norms of international law and did not demand the
    withdrawal of occupational troops. In which form will NATO place its
    peacekeepers in the occupied lands? It wants to do it to perpetuate
    occupation or create visibility of settling the conflict... I regret
    that Simmons did not say anything in his statements which could be
    assessed from the viewpoint of settling the Karabakh conflict.

    Is the placement of NATO troops in the conflict area?

    On the whole, I consider that the consideration of the placement of
    NATO troops on the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia could be a
    real help in the resolution of the Karabakh conflict, because we are
    speaking of forcing Armenia to respect toward the territorial
    integrity of its neighbor state rather than reconciliation of the
    conflict parties.

    Is the composition of the peacekeepers important if it consists of
    mostly the NATO or CSTO troops or will possibly be mixed?

    The composition of peacekeepers can be defined only at the overall
    consent of Azerbaijan and Armenia. Anyway, the resolution of the
    Karabakh conflict must be reached before this, that is the placement
    of peacekeepers in the region, which means that Armenian side must
    agree to withdraw its troops from the occupied lands. Considering
    this, the composition of the peacekeeping troops which can be placed
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan is not of utmost importance. The
    composition of peacekeeping troops will be technical in case there is
    a political solution.

    Then can there appear differences between Azerbaijan and Armenia about
    the composition of peacekeepers?

    The composition of peacekeepers must not be critical either for
    Azerbaijan or Armenia when the big peace agreement is reached. The
    resolution of the Karabakh conflict within the framework of norms of
    international law is important in this issue.

    In which case can Azerbaijan agree on placement of peacekeeping troops
    in the conflict area?

    Baku can agree to it only in case the principal agreement is reached
    about the withdrawal of Armenian troops from the occupied lands of
    Azerbaijan. At the same time, Azerbaijan can agree to it only for a
    limited time in case of provision of peacekeepers with definite

    Which status is expedient for the peacekeepers in terms of attainment
    of peace in the Karabakh conflict?

    I believe both the police and military function can be used for the
    set goal. The dominance of one function over another can create
    vagueness. Naturally, the powers of peacekeepers are set in line with
    the nature of the conflict. In this respect, the powers of the
    peacekeepers and their functions can be defined by Azerbaijan and
    Armenia in a peace agreement which they will sign.


    From: A. Papazian