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BAKU: Shortage of 'practical results', not resolutions, on Karabakh

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  • BAKU: Shortage of 'practical results', not resolutions, on Karabakh, Azerbaijan
    sept 17 2010

    Shortage of 'practical results', not resolutions, on Karabakh
    Fri 17 September 2010 11:20 GMT | 15:20 Local Time

    Fikret Sadikhov News.Az interviews Azerbaijani political scientist
    Fikret Sadikhov.
    The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs seem to be stepping up negotiations
    between Baku and Yerevan as part of their declared action plan. How
    would you comment on this activeness?

    I would not describe the co-chairs' visit to the region and their
    statements about new proposals as political activeness. It is rather
    the appearance of being active. It is quite natural that the co-chairs
    represent the leading countries of the world. Russian President
    Medvedev and the adviser to the US assistant secretary of state, Tina
    Kaidanow, recently visited. The initiatives proposed by the co-chairs
    show their their interest in resolution of the conflict since such a
    long absence of positive results primarily affects the prestige and
    interests of the co-chairs and shows that they are unable to help
    resolve this problem. Therefore, some are happy that during the recent
    visit to the region the co-chairs crossed the front line via
    Azerbaijan; the mediators are accentuating this too and say that they
    are going to hold the next meetings with the ministers in the United

    The French and US co-chairs said during the visit to Nagorno-Karabakh
    that they did not cross the border but the contact line and that this
    was a deliberate act. Do you see this as a gesture towards Azerbaijan?

    Yes, this is also a gesture. You see, they are trying to calm both
    parties. They are continuing their mission to soothe both the
    aggressor and the Azerbaijani community by saying that this time they
    went to Karabakh via Azerbaijan. However, this is not of the utmost
    importance to Baku. Definite results are more important for us than
    the place from which the mediators enter the conflict area. This is
    also a factor, but it's not critical, it's not the main issue in the
    resolution of the conflict itself.

    A huge number of resolutions and other decisions on the conflict have
    been passed, the leaders of the superpowers have made statements in
    support of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and about the need
    to liberate the seven districts around Nagorno- Karabakh. Meanwhile,
    the mediators continue making some unclear statements, as if trying to
    justify the lack of results over the long period of their work.

    Does this mean there is no point in having international organizations
    pass documents in our support?

    You know, I think we do not need to collect all these decisions and
    resolutions. Enough resolutions have been passed in Azerbaijan's
    favour, from the UN Security Council resolutions to the recent
    resolution of the European Parliament about the need to withdraw
    Armenian troops from Azerbaijani land. There is no shortage of
    documents. There is a shortage of practical results from the decisions
    taken. They remain on paper because the states take decisions, while
    the superpowers of the Minsk Group still continue meeting Armenia's
    whims and supporting it. They do not even demand a reasonable response
    from Armenia to their proposals on the updated Madrid principles.
    Armenia's response is unknown. It started to refer to some St
    Petersburg agreements, started to give some crazy reasons for its
    silence. The negotiating process is developing like this, but for some
    reason the co-chairs are happy with this and pretend to be active in
    the conflict settlement.

    What should Azerbaijan do, considering the growing tensions on the front line?

    Only one thing is clear here: the situation cannot last long. This
    chain will certainly be broken if the current attitude remains

    Azerbaijan has more than enough legal grounds to liberate its land,
    more than enough. And if we still continue this negotiating process,
    it means not all chances are lost, there is an opportunity. Naturally,
    in this situation Azerbaijan should increase its defence potential
    and, at the same time, be tougher at the diplomatic level. We probably
    don't always need to sit at the negotiating table, when the co-chairs
    insist on it or agree to meet the Armenian president. We should use
    political methods to show our negative attitude to what is going on.
    Through increasing our potential we must show the inadmissibility of
    what is being proposed to us to make it clear that Azerbaijan will
    never reject the idea of liberating its land.

    We were given clear hints that they will enable us to liberate seven
    districts in exchange for the independence of Nagorno- Karabakh. But
    this idea has burst like a soap bubble though it was clad in some
    digestible formats. This means that Azerbaijan could explain clearly,
    prove and demonstrate its principled position on this issue. And it
    was right to do this, which means this issue should be taken further.

    You mean, for example, our refusal to take part in the recent NATO
    training in Armenia?

    Yes, we were right to refuse to take part. Though it annoyed the NATO
    leadership, our refusal showed our negative attitude not towards the
    NATO manoeuvres but to the negotiating process itself and the
    countries that are pacifying the aggressor.


    From: A. Papazian