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Open Letter to Turkish PM on Denying A Cross Atop Armenian Church

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  • Open Letter to Turkish PM on Denying A Cross Atop Armenian Church, SC
    Sept 17 2010

    Open Letter to Turkish PM on Denying A Cross Atop Armenian Church

    by Hovhannes Nikoghosyan

    In two days, on September 19, a historic church service will be held
    in Holy Cross Armenian Church, located in Eastern Turkish province of
    Van. After being closed for 100 years Turkey renovated it and turned
    into a museum, similar to Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Two weeks before
    the service and 5000 reservations for attendance Turkey said it will
    not be possible to put the cross on the top of the dome of the
    Armenian Church.

    The overwhelming majority of the reservations are canceled as a
    response to Turkish denial of religious rights of its Christian
    minorities. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's office had sent
    personal invitations to some Armenian analysts in Armenia and Diaspora
    inviting to participate in this historic event. One of the recipients
    of those invitations Mr. Hovhannes Nikoghosyan from the Yerevan-based
    Public Policy Institute sends this open letter to PM Erdogan
    explaining why he will not travel to Turkey and why he declines the

    H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    Republic of Turkey

    Your Excellency,
    Accept my most sincere congratulations to You and Your political party
    over the successful outcome of the Constitutional Referendum, which in
    the course of its implementation, I hope, will bring new democratic
    achievements to the Republic of Turkey and more freedoms to its fellow

    I am in receipt of your invitation to attend the liturgy at the
    Armenian church of Surp Khach (Holy Cross) at the Akhtamar Island of
    Van province. Indeed, this was meant to be a welcomed effort, resting
    on the grounds of recent democratic openings of Your Government.
    However, as hundreds of other intellectuals and public opinion leaders
    of the Armenian Nation, I regret to share this disclaimer on Your much
    appreciated invitation. This is in no way an ignorance of Your
    courtesy, but unfortunately a well-grounded rejection of the policy
    that Your Government has adopted against its ethnic Armenian minority,
    the heirs of Armenian Genocide and the Republic of Armenia.

    Honorable Prime-Minister,

    It's a direct impiety towards Armenians to deny installing the cross
    on dome of the church and, moreover, holding it away from under the
    direct auspices of the Istanbul Patriarchy of the Armenian Apostolic
    Church as in the cases of other religious monuments of the Armenians
    on those holy lands. A religious ceremony in an uncrossed, unhallowed
    church, which Your Government has re-opened solely as a museum in
    2007, will not complete its anticipated aim of bridging our different
    perspectives over joint past under the Ottoman years.

    In order to serve its true mission, instead of trying to mislead the
    international public opinion, half-steps and show-offs should be
    excluded. The restart of the broken and de facto frozen
    Armenian-Turkish rapprochement is the right way of the traffic, which
    shall lead to the fulfillment of the obligations negotiated under the
    Zurich Protocols.

    Armenians - being those from Armenia or elsewhere in the world, or
    whatever person as a tourist, should not be deprived of their natural
    rights of visiting and praying in the lands that hold the treasures of
    world architecture and art. Unfortunately, in the XXI century we still
    face obvious breaches to the international humanitarian custom and law
    when Armenian children experience the rude and crude attitude of the
    Turkish policemen, impeding them to pray and light a candle at the
    same church of Surp Khach, exactly where the liturgy is to take place

    This is obviously not the present and the future we deserve. I wish to
    hope that sometime soon the sanctified church of Surp Hach will
    shelter Christian pilgrims from all around the world.
    Please accept the assurances of our highest consideration.

    Mr. Nikoghosyan is a research fellow at Yerevan-based Public Policy Institute.

    From: A. Papazian