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Felling in Gougark forest acquires a scandalous nature

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  • Felling in Gougark forest acquires a scandalous nature

    Felling in Gougark forest acquires a scandalous nature

    2010-09-14 14:38:00

    ArmInfo. The situation with felling in Gougark forest acquires a
    scandalous nature like confrontation between green activists and
    authorities, Ecolur reported.

    Late in August youth green movement activists disseminated information
    and photos in the press on wide- scale felling in Gougark forestry
    enterprise near "Lori" Rest House where trucks with and without number
    plates are taking away timber.

    Inspection and supervisory bodies also got involved in this matter,
    but check results didn't satisfy eye- witness Vahe Vardoumyan who
    submitted certain proof: more trees have been cut down than the State
    Environmental Inspection of the Ministry of Nature Protection has

    Center for Forest Monitoring invited the activists to conduct in that
    particular area. Henceforth almost a detective story begins. On 9
    September, at about 21:30, youth green movement activist Mariam
    Sukhudyan phoned EcoLur who said they were left not only without
    people who accompanied them, but also without car with their
    equipment, documents and money in the forest. She also said, the
    police showed up there and pressure was exercised both on activists
    and journalists: the main aim was to make activists hide the factual
    scale of felling. According to Mariam, they had detected 116 cut down
    trees, and, as a matter of fact, the number of these trees is more,
    just neighbouring territories should be examined as well.

    EcoLur contacted with the Center for Forest Monitoring, where we were
    assured "everything will be o.k." After an hour we phoned and the
    center representative tuned out to be with activists.

    Judging by the fact that on 10 September activists publicized the
    incident, they didn't manage to come to an agreement.

    One question is left: why it was necessary to involve activists in the
    joint monitoring, if they actually needed to hide the felling scale,
    whether the pressure exercised was unauthorized activity at local
    level, or it was an order given from above. As a matter of fact, one
    thing is clear: public got focused on forest, and in this situation we
    should do our best not to allow the forest to become token money and
    to preserve the forest as one of the most valuable natural resources
    which we have been destroying successively for almost 20 years, Ecolur

    From: A. Papazian