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Does the Moscow-Ankara-Rome Axis Stand a Chance?

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  • Does the Moscow-Ankara-Rome Axis Stand a Chance?

    Does the Moscow-Ankara-Rome Axis Stand a Chance?

    WORLD | GULEVICH Vladislav (Ukraine) | 13.09.2010 | 20:42

    Italy Russia Turkey

    Turkey dropped Russia from its list of potentially threatening
    countries.Largely due to its support for the Kurdish resistance, the
    list used to include the USSR and subsequently Russia. As a country
    from the US orbit, Turkey was somewhat slow to assess the geopolitical
    landscape of the emerging multipolar world, but over the past several
    years Ankara started showing increasing interest in Moscow.

    Historically, Turkey is a key power in the Mediterranean region which
    has for centuries been the scene of geopolitical rivalry. The
    Mediterranean Sea is a strategic hub from which control can be
    exercised over the coasts of three continents - Europe, Asia, and
    Africa. Great Britain, for example, gained a stable position in the
    Gibraltar and turned it into a NATO base, thus securing its grip on
    the link between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The
    permanent presence of the US Navy in the Mediterranean Sea and a
    network of 11 US military bases scattered over Spain, Portugal, Italy,
    and Turkey demonstrate how high the region ranks on the list of
    Washington's priorities.

    Predictably, the US is not going to tolerate rivals in the
    Mediterranean region even if they are its nominal allies. This
    explains the character of the US relations with Turkey, a country
    Washington is permanently attempting to subject to a kind of political
    micromanagement. The main threat - that used to be posed by the USSR -
    evaporated a long time ago, but things have not become any simpler for
    Ankara. The US holds its Turkish partners on a short leash and allows
    them minimal space for maneuvers in international politics. In the
    Soviet era the fear of the USSR led Turkey to embrace the arrangement,
    and the US used its territory to keep the southern part of the Soviet
    Union at gunpoint. The situation began to change when the US launched
    the Greater Middle East project which implies an overhaul of the
    borders of the region's countries including those in the proximity of

    Upon toppling S. Hussein in Iraq, the US started reshaping the
    oil-rich Iraqi Kurdistan, and the process echoed with legitimate
    concern in Ankara. The possibility of independent Kurdish statehood in
    northern Iraq which is openly discussed in the US political circles
    worries Turkey where the Kurdish population of some 18-20 million
    people might seek unification with their Iraqi brethren numbering
    around 6 million.

    The deployment of elements of the US missile defense in Romania, the
    country competing against Turkey in the Mediterranean, also took a
    toll on the relations between Ankara and Washington. Ankarais aware
    that - absent the Soviet threat - the US no longer needs a strong
    Turkey. The unequal partnership between the two countries continues to
    exist but is already viewed skeptically by the Turkish elite.

    Turkey has the potential to take a bigger role in the Mediterranean
    and the Black Sea regions. The Turkish army with its more than 600,000
    servicemen is the biggest one in Europe and second only to the US in
    NATO in terms of manpower. Turkey has 4,200 tanks, 3,200 armored
    vehicles, 750 aircrafts, 16 submarines, and a fairly strong navy. On
    top of that, Turkey maintains its own impressive military-industrial
    complex. The Turkish leadership is increasingly wary of accepting the
    US political oversight and begging for the EU membership of which the
    majority of Turkish politicians used to dream a short time ago. There
    is growing concern in the Turkish society that shedding the country's
    identity - both Muslim and secular - would be the price to be paid for
    admission to the EU. Turks are determined to take on the task of
    preserving their cultural identity in the settings of Turkey's secular
    statehood and the ongoing globalization.

    Turkey is not the only Mediterranean country resenting the US quest
    for hegemony. Italy's Institute of Geopolitical Studies suggested
    officially that Rome reorient its regional politics doctrine so as to
    take into account the rapprochement between Moscow and Ankara. Italy
    is also interested in regional leadership (which only France could
    potentially contest) but - hosting 7 US military bases - it clearly
    lacks political autonomy from Washington. As a result, the US is
    active in North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe while Rome
    routinely puts Italian political interests below Washington's on its
    own agenda. Italy seems unable to overcome the dependence on the US on
    its own, but in this respect partnering Turkey might help seriously.
    Of course, Rome will not allow its relations with Washington to turn
    sour, but Rome no less than Ankara is considering the possibility of
    refreshing its political priorities in the Mediterranean region.

    Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was fully aware of the geopolitical potential of
    the Ankara-Moscow axis and under his presidency Turkey was among the
    first to recognize the Soviet Russia. Rebuilding the tradition,
    especially given some positive signals from Rome, could tilt the
    balance of forces in the Mediterranean.

    From: A. Papazian