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Armenian Church In Turkey Reopens To Worship

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  • Armenian Church In Turkey Reopens To Worship

    Wall Street Journal , NY
    Sept 19 2010

    Armenian Church In Turkey Reopens To Worship

    By Joe Parkinson

    AKDAMAR ISLAND, Turkey (Dow Jones)--Turkey allowed Armenians to
    worship at a symbolic but politically sensitive church here for the
    first time since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire on Sunday, in a
    service hailed by Turkish officials as a sign of growing tolerance for
    religious minorities, but which underscored the lingering distrust
    between Ankara and Yerevan.

    The emotional two-hour mass at the Church of the Holy Cross--an iconic
    landmark on Akdamar island in the turquoise waters of Lake Van in
    Turkey's poverty-stricken southeast region--was attended by about
    1,000 people. But that was a fraction of the 5,000 visitors expected,
    as a partial Armenian boycott saw thousands cancel their trips after
    Turkish authorities refused to display a 440-pound cross on the
    church's roof, claiming it was too heavy and could damage the
    structure. The 16.5-foot-tall cross instead was displayed next to the
    belltower of the church.

    Worshippers, the vast majority from the Armenian diaspora community,
    packed into the small red-stone church or watched Orthodox priests
    deliver the first liturgy there in almost 100 years on big-screen
    televisions specially erected for the event. Some pilgrims, overcome
    with emotion, held wooden crosses aloft as they prayed. Others
    exchanged stories about the ancient Armenian civilization that once
    existed in Turkey but was almost erased in 1915 in what many regard as
    genocide. Turkey strongly denies that a genocide took place,
    describing the killings as the tragic result of a civil war in which
    all sides suffered.

    Eighty year-old Lebanese Armenian Victoria Tutunjian, whose parents
    fled to Beirut to escape those killings, said she "always hoped but
    never imagined" she could come to pray here. "I'm so happy this
    ceremony is taking place and I will come here every year until the day
    I die. But Turks are still my enemy, and coming here and walking on
    this soil is my revenge," she said, clutching a small Armenian flag.

    Other Turks and Armenians here were more positive about the service's
    significance. "This is a great day for all Armenians; I'm confident
    things will start to change now," said Tigran Abrahamian, a 45-year
    old industrial engineer from Istanbul, who is married to a Turk and
    brought his family to the service. Some 50,000 Armenians live in

    Still, Muslim Turkey and Christian Armenia remain bitterly divided
    over their troubled history. The border between them remains closed
    despite U.S.-brokered peace accords signed last year.

    For Armenians across the world, the Church of the Holy Cross,
    abandoned in 1915 and reopened as a museum after a $1.5 million
    restoration in 2007, has become symbolic of the deportation and
    killings at the hands of Ottoman forces. The controversy over the
    church's cross underlines the mistrust that exists between the
    neighbors. In Yerevan on Sunday, 1,500 people attended an alternative
    religious service at a genocide memorial that denounced the Akdamar
    service as a publicity stunt.

    "Our mission for today was to show that the Turkish government should
    not use our heritage as a propaganda tool to pretend that they are
    tolerant," said Hayk Demoyan, director of Yerevan's Genocide Museum,
    in a telephone interview after he addressed the crowds.

    Turkish Culture and Tourism Minister Ertugrul Gunay said that the
    government had agreed to the Armenian religious service in good faith
    and that nationalists on both sides were exploiting the event for
    political purposes.

    Sunday's service was the second of two special church openings
    recently permitted by the Turkish government after Ankara in August
    allowed Christians to pray at a Greek Orthodox monastery in Sumela, in
    the Black Sea region, for the first time since the country's creation.

    Often criticized for its treatment of Christian minorities, Ankara has
    promoted the services as proof of its growing commitment to religious
    tolerance. Critics say the tightly controlled services are a carefully
    choreographed public-relations campaign designed to boost Turkey's
    prospects of joining the European Union, for which it is a candidate.

    "Yes, this is a PR stunt by the Turkish government to show it is being
    respectful to its minorities ... but, frankly, if it means that Turkey
    and Armenia can move closer towards resolving their differences, then
    who cares," said Ara Sarafian, director of the Gomidas Institute, a
    London-based research organization.

    Local businesses in the region of Van are supportive of improved
    relations, hoping religious tourists would help the region profit.
    Gaye Akay, a hotelier born in Van but based in Ankara, is planning to
    open the region's first five-star hotel next year. "We think this is
    the beginning of something really special," she said. "More Armenians
    and international tourists will start coming here and spending their

    Negotiations to open the border between Turkey and Armenia went into
    deep freeze, as neither side ratified a deal outlined last year and
    both sides accused the other of setting additional conditions.

    From: A. Papazian