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Halal to the Queen? Britain's Stealth Halal-ization

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  • Halal to the Queen? Britain's Stealth Halal-ization

    American Thinker
    Sept 19 2010

    Halal to the Queen? Britain's Stealth Halal-ization

    Andrew G. Bostom

    Creeping Sharia has already extended to the dietary practices of
    British dhimmis, who are involuntarily consuming meats ritually
    slaughtered and prayed over in good Islamic practice.
    Although this Daily Mail investigation of the stealth Islamization of
    the British meat industry is largely fixated on the "animal cruelty"
    aspect of the story, the findings provide another disturbing example
    of Britain's steady Islamization, as evidenced by its "stealth

    ....[S]chools, hospitals, pubs and famous sporting venues such as
    Ascot and Twickenham are controversially serving up meat slaughtered
    in accordance with strict Islamic law to unwitting members of the
    public. All the beef, chicken and lamb sold to fans at Wembley has
    secretly been prepared in accordance with sharia law, while Cheltenham
    College, which boasts of its `strong Christian ethos', is one of
    several top public schools which also serves halal chicken to pupils
    without informing them. Even Britain's biggest hotel and restaurant
    group Whitbread, which owns the Beefeater and Brewers Fayre chains,
    among many others, has admitted that more than three-quarters of its
    poultry is halal.

    For those obsessed with the animal cruelty aspect of the story, I am
    more concerned about how this "ritual slaughter" is eerily reminiscent
    of what was inflicted en masse to the hapless Armenians by their
    "Muslim brethren" neighbors during the pogroms that culminated in the
    World War I era jihad genocide of the Armenian Christians. Here is a
    description of the halal slaughter of livestock, from the Daily Mail

    Sharia law expressly forbids knocking the animal out with a bolt gun,
    as is usual in British slaughter - houses. Instead, it must be sentient
    when its throat is cut, and the blood allowed to drip from the carcass
    while a religious phrase in praise of Allah is recited.

    And here is an account by Lord Kinross (pp. 669-70) of the human
    ritual slaughter of Armenian Christians at Urfa during the 1894-96 era
    of pogroms under Abdul Hamid, which saw the massacre of some 200,000,
    and because of the abject failure of the West to act against these
    atrocities, gave the Turks predictable impunity for their subsequent
    genocidal massacres during World War I:

    Cruelest and most ruinous of all were the massacres at Urfa, where the
    Armenian Christians numbered a third of the total population. Here in
    December 1895, after a two-months siege of their quarter, the leading
    Armenians assembled in their cathedral, where they drew up a statement
    requesting Turkish official protection. Promising this, the Turkish
    officer in charge surrounded the cathedral with troops. Then a large
    body of them, with a mob in their wake, rushed through the Armenian
    quarter, where they plundered all houses and slaughtered all adult
    males above a certain age. When a large group of young Armenians were
    brought before a sheikh, he had them thrown down on their backs and
    held by their hands and feet. Then, in the words of an observer, he
    recited verses of the Koran and "cut their throats after the Mecca
    rite of sacrificing sheep."

    Returning to the salient feature of the Daily Mail story -- Britain's
    "stealth halalization", as another aspect of its seemingly inexorable
    Islamization given the country's cultural relativist malaise, the
    report further reveals, "...[t]he extent of halal meat consumption,
    even in areas of Britain with a very small Muslim population."
    Moreover, the Daily Mail juxtaposes this story line, appropriately,
    with Pope Benedict's recent visit to Britain, and the Pontiff's stern

    [The] Pope, on his first visit to Britain, expressed fears that the
    country was not doing enough to preserve traditional Christian values
    and customs. In a strongly worded speech to Parliament, he said:
    "There are those who argue that the public celebration of festivals
    such as Christmas should be discouraged, in the questionable belief
    that it might somehow offend those of other religions or none."

    In light of such alarming revelations by The Daily Mail, it is worth
    reviewing these observations by the late respected British scholar of
    Islam, Dr. Mervyn Hiskett, in Some to Mecca Turn to Pray, first
    published in 1993.

    Hiskett noted (p. 235) the prevailing opinion among leaders of the
    British Muslim community (i.e., already, almost two decades ago) that
    unless Muslim immigrants to Britain were allowed unrestrained access
    to Islamic Law, Shari'a, in all aspects, Britain was to be regarded,
    Dar-al-Harb, or the House of War, i.e., the target of jihadism. Citing
    what he characterized as "a more urbane but some may consider ominous
    statement of the Muslim intention to brook no opposition," Hiskett
    quoted Zaki Badawi (d. 2006), a Muslim scholar, and former Director of
    the Islamic Cultural Center, London, who was made an honorary Knight
    Commander of the British Empire (KBE) in 2004, and also appointed by
    The Duke of Castro as a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of
    Francis I. Incidentally Badawi never became a British subject although
    he had lived in the country for more than 30 years, and had received
    all manner of honors there. Badawi opined,

    A proseltyzing religion cannot stand still. It can either expand or
    contract. Islam endeavors to expand in Britain. Islam is a universal
    religion. It aims at bringing its message to all corners of the earth.
    It hopes that one day the whole humanity will be one Muslim community,
    the `Umma'

    Badawi's "vision" for British society -- so recently deemed
    unthinkable -- now seems eminently plausible, as "British humanity"
    appears well on its way to full integration into the Muslim umma.

    Hat tip to The Religion of Peace, the most comprehensive clearinghouse
    of jihad-related news.

    From: A. Papazian