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BAKU: Iran has supported and will support Azerbaijan in NK conflict

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  • BAKU: Iran has supported and will support Azerbaijan in NK conflict

    Trend, Azerbaijan
    Sept 19 2010

    Iran has supported and will support Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict - Iran's Vice President
    19.09.2010 13:08
    Iran, Tehran, September 19 /Trend, E.Huseynov /

    Iran initially supported, supports today and will continue to support
    Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh issue, Iranian Vice President for
    Parliamentary Affairs Seyyed Mohammad-Reza Mir-Tajeddini said Sunday
    in Tehran.

    "We have always supported Azerbaijan and denounced the occupation of
    Nagorno-Karabakh by Armenia," said Mir-Tajeddini on Iran-Azerbaijan
    conference "Azerbaijan: past experiences and the upcoming prospects."

    Mir-Tajeddini said the Caucasus region, in particular, Azerbaijan is
    very important both for Iran and the world. According to him, the
    region has important geopolitical location, is rich in energy
    resources with access to the sea, there are equally living
    representatives of all religions.

    Referring to the Iranian-Azerbaijani relations, the vice president
    said that Iran has such religious similarities with no other Muslim
    country - 95 percent of Azerbaijan's population are Muslims, most of
    them Shiites.

    Mir-Tajeddini called energy, cargo transportation, food industry, new
    technologies important areas for cooperation between the two
    countries. In his view, important areas are also the joint fight
    against terrorism and drug trafficking, protecting the environment.
    Vice-President noted there are also a number of problems in relations
    between the two neighbouring countries, including determining the
    status of the Caspian Sea, some issues in energy policy and military
    agreements signed by the two countries.

    Mir-Tajeddini considers important the further integration of Muslim
    countries by lifting the visa regime between them. Iran has already
    abolished visa regime with Azerbaijan, which is the first such step in
    bilateral relations, he said.

    One-day conference is being held at Tehran University, organized by
    the Caucasus Studies Institute (Iran) and the Embassy of Azerbaijan in

    From: A. Papazian