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No force can separate us from our cultural heritage

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  • No force can separate us from our cultural heritage

    Aysor, Armenia
    Sept 19 2010

    `No force can separate us from our cultural heritage'

    Today, in two different parts of Armenia a liturgy is served, one is
    served by the Turkish government to juggle the pearl of the Armenian
    architecture Aghtamar Surb Khach (Holy Cross) Church, and the second
    is taking place here in Tsitsernakaberd. This is a protest and a
    liturgy in the same time," Hayk Demoyan Director of NAS Genocide
    Institute-Museum said about the rally which still is going on at the
    Memorial of Armenian Genocide realized in 1915, by the Ottoman Turkey.

    At this moment a rally is held near the memorial where also a liturgy
    was served. The participants of the rally express their complaint
    against the Turkish authorities, for not installing a cross on the
    Holy Cross Church dome as well as for using the church as a means of

    "Shame, shame," were shouting the participants and putting flowers
    around the eternal fire eternalizing the memory of the innocent

    "It is not randomly that I said in different parts of Armenia, we do
    not divide our homeland into parts, it is the problem of the
    foreigners, who do not understand why we are protesting and what we
    demand. The problem of the foreigner is big, because he does not
    imagine that he has international obligations which say that Turkey
    must respect the cultural values of Christians which are on his
    territory and give it to the people and the community, which it
    belongs to. Nevertheless, today Turkey is turning the cultural
    heritage into a propaganda tool," Demoyan said.

    According to him, it will never be acceptable for the Armenian people,
    and this protest action is an address to both the Turkish public and
    the Turkish authorities and the international community at the same

    "No force can separate us from our cultural heritage," Demoyan said,
    then added that thus the Armenian people present their demands to the
    international community.

    From: A. Papazian