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BAKU: Iran and Azerbaijan must develop transport infrastructure

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  • BAKU: Iran and Azerbaijan must develop transport infrastructure

    Trend News Agency , Azerbaijan
    Sept 19 2010

    Iran and Azerbaijan must develop transport infrastructure for the
    development of trade between two countries - Azerbaijani Ambassador to

    19.09.2010 14:12
    Iran, Tehran, September 19 /Trend, E.Huseynov/

    For the development of trade between Iran and Azerbaijan, two
    countries must in the first place develop transport infrastructure,
    Azerbaijani Ambassador to Iran Javanshir Akhundov said in Tehran on

    Trade turnover between the two countries currently ranges from 500-600
    million dollars, which does not suit both sides because they do not
    use the full potential, Akhundov said at the Iran-Azerbaijan
    conference "Azerbaijan: past experiences and the upcoming prospects."

    The Ambassador said that Iran is proposing to increase trade turnover
    to 10 billion dollars, but a lot of work has to be done to achieve
    that. First and foremost, you need to develop transport
    infrastructure, particularly North-South transport corridor by
    building Rasht-Qazvin-Astara railway in Iran.
    Zanjan-Ardabil-Miyaneh-Mugan railway construction is also important.
    Border areas, which has great potential, also can make a significant
    contribution to the development of bilateral trade. The involvement of
    Georgia in joint projects and the creation of a unified power grid can
    also strengthen the economic potential, Akhundov said.

    The Ambassador described bilateral relations as friendly and
    fraternal, being at a high level. This is confirmed by the frequency
    of visits in recent years and months by senior government delegations
    from Iran to Azerbaijan and vice versa.

    Akhundov called on the religious leadership of Iran to pay more
    attention to the issue of destruction of Muslim monuments, including
    mosques in the Azerbaijani territories occupied by Armenia. He
    reiterated Azerbaijan's support for Iran's program to develop peaceful
    nuclear energy.

    Javanshir Akhundov has expressed regret that the Armenian side
    rejected Iran's initiative to held talks on the Nagorno-Karabakh
    problem in Tehran.

    One-day conference is being held at Tehran University, organized by
    the Caucasus Studies Institute (Iran) and the Embassy of Azerbaijan in

    From: A. Papazian