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In my library: Eric Bogosian

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  • In my library: Eric Bogosian

    New York Post
    Sept 19 2010

    In my library: Eric Bogosian

    Last Updated: 12:21 AM, September 19, 2010

    `I made a deal with myself,' says Eric Bogosian. `Once a year, I read
    a classic I supposedly read in high school, like `Moby Dick' or
    `Ulysses.' I'll sit and seriously hit the book, and sometimes listen
    to the audiobook at the same time.'

    Bogosian - the `Talk Radio' writer and star who's also a monologist,
    novelist and erstwhile Frank Zappa collaborator - hardly lacks for
    projects. Starting Thursday, he's in `Time Stands Still,' playing
    editor to Laura Linney's wounded journalist. He's also working on a
    book about WWI, oil politics, Turkey and Armenia. `I have a library in
    my office of 150 books I've been clawing my way through,' he tells The
    Post's Barbara Hoffman. `My eyes were falling out of my head!' Here
    are some books he says he's read recently `for fun.'

    Aubrey Reuben
    Eric Bogosian
    Family of Secrets

    by Russ Baker

    I learned about the book from a podcast by Dave Emory, who loves to
    talk about conspiracies. It's a book deeply researched by an
    absolutely legitimate investigator who decided to go digging around
    some things he never quite understood about the Bush dynasty. The
    little facts he comes up with are so tantalizing, you have to keep
    turning the page.

    The Innocents Abroad

    by Mark Twain

    In the late 1800s, it became very fashionable to travel across the
    Atlantic. Missionaries had established outposts and curious Americans
    were looking at the pyramids. Twain wrote this like a reporter, and he
    is so funny. How can a man from 140 years ago make me laugh? I think
    it was his first hit book.


    by Philip Roth

    Roth's a fascinating writer because he's kind of an outsider who's
    become the ultimate insider - he's won every major award except the
    Nobel. I think he wants to win it so he's shifted away from his crazy
    vitriolic books of his mid-period, but he can't get away from his
    sense of humor . . . This one's about a young soldier during the
    Korean War, and his life as a student before he goes off to the


    by Michael Lewis

    My friend Bennett Miller's directing a film about it. It's about
    baseball, and managing a low-budget baseball team using a new
    approach. I'm a big Yankees fan, but I hadn't realized the revolution
    in how these teams were put together. Michael Lewis knows how to tell
    a story.

    From: A. Papazian