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Iran will continue to support Azerbaijan in Karabakh issue?

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  • Iran will continue to support Azerbaijan in Karabakh issue?

    Iran will continue to support Azerbaijan in Karabakh issue?

    September 19, 2010 - 17:49 AMT 12:49 GMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    Iran initially supported, supports today and will continue to support
    Azerbaijan in Karabakh issue, Iranian Vice President for Parliamentary
    Affairs Seyyed Mohammad-Reza Mir-Tajeddini said Sunday in Tehran.

    "We have always supported Azerbaijan and denounced the occupation of
    Nagorno-Karabakh by Armenia," said Mir-Tajeddini on Iran-Azerbaijan
    conference Azerbaijan: Past Experiences and the Upcoming Prospects.

    Mir-Tajeddini said the Caucasus region, in particular, Azerbaijan is
    very important both for Iran and the world. According to him, the
    region has important geopolitical location, is rich in energy
    resources with access to the sea, there are equally living
    representatives of all religions, Trend reported.

    `Contribution to regional peace and security as well as resolution of
    conflicts in accordance with the international law is Iran's position
    in principle. We stand for resolution of disputes taking into account
    the interests of conflicting sides. Iran's initiatives regarding the
    Karabakh conflict settlement can only supplement the other endeavors
    to that end. We believe that all conflicts should be resolved through
    efforts of the countries of the region,' Iranian Foreign Minister, Dr.
    Manouchehr Mottaki said in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net

    `Iran's official position is as follows: Iran calls on all parties to
    conflict to show restraint and resolve the problem peacefully. On our
    part, we are ready to contribute to the process,' the Foreign Minister

    From: A. Papazian