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Armenian mass a sign of growing tolerance

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  • Armenian mass a sign of growing tolerance

    Armenian mass a sign of growing tolerance
    By Delphine Strauss in Van

    September 19 2010 20:14

    Bells rang and the liturgy echoed from inside an Armenian church in
    eastern Turkey for the first time in nearly a century at a Sunday
    service symbolising Turkish efforts to overcome its troubled history
    with ethnic and religious minorities.

    The Holy Cross church on Akhtamar island, a rocky outcrop in Lake Van,
    is one of the few visible remnants of the Armenian communities that
    were settled across eastern Anatolia until the Ottoman-era massacres
    and deportations of 1915, in which an estimated 1.5m died. Most
    Armenian churches were destroyed.

    It is also part of a broader effort by the ruling Justice and
    Development party (AKP) to end the ethnic and religious divisions that
    have shadowed Turkey since the creation of the modern republic. The
    Greek Orthodox monastery at Sumela, near the Black Sea coast, was
    permitted one day of worship this summer, and the government has also
    taken tentative steps to broaden language and cultural rights for the
    large Kurdish minority.

    `Turkey is going back to the good side of the Ottoman Empire, said
    Baskin Oran, an academic who launched a petition apologising for the
    killings of Armenians in 1915. The Kemalist state, created after the
    Armenian massacres and population exchange with Greece, assumed
    non-Turks would be assimilated and non-Muslims expelled. But `if the
    Armenian taboo is broken, the rest will follow suit,' Mr Oran said.

    Boats shuttled about 1,000 worshippers, including visitors from
    Istanbul, Yerevan, Iran and the US, to Akhtamar on Sunday, where
    tearful women lit candles and knelt to pray.

    `This land has created a lot of Armenian culture. It means a lot,'
    said Hayk, a 26-year-old from Los Angeles. `It's a good first step
    [from Turkey] and I'm hopeful there will be more.'

    Paul Shahinian, from New Jersey, said the service was a `bittersweet'
    reminder of his family roots in Van. `Ethnic hatred runs deep, and it
    runs through generations. I think Armenians need to have
    reconciliation and move on?.?.?.?but it's impossible,' he said.

    Many diaspora organisations called on Armenians to boycott what they
    saw as a publicity stunt by a government that denies the 1915
    massacres constituted genocide. Ankara says thousands of Turks also
    died in the empire's disintegration.

    Others cancelled trips at the last moment when the authorities failed
    to place a cross on the roof.

    Minorities living in Turkey still face prejudice ` including, in the
    case of Christian converts, from their own families. The European
    Court of Human Rights ruled last week that Turkey had failed to
    protect the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink before his murder
    in 2007. And the government has still not acted on promises to reopen
    the Greek Orthodox Halki seminary in Istanbul.

    But many acknowledge that the AKP, whose religious members also faced
    pressure in the past from an establishment fearful of radical Islam,
    has done more to promote tolerance than any previous government.

    `Government action is very slow and timid, but it is happening.
    Comparing it with the Kemalist period is like night and day,' said
    Cengiz Aktar, an academic at Istanbul's Bahcesehir university.

    Although politicians still tread carefully for fear of reprisals by
    nationalists, attitudes in Turkey have changed radically in recent
    years, with new books, films and seminars opening to discussion issues
    once fixed in stone in the school curriculum.

    Moreover, many Turks are becoming aware that their own roots are more
    mixed than the `Muslim' listed on the identity cards of most would

    `I came to see because my father was one of them,' said Bahar, a local
    woman in her 70s whose Muslim grandparents adopted a 12-year-old
    Armenian boy when his family was killed. `I came to see my relations.'

    Additional reporting by Funja Guler

    From: A. Papazian