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Sourb Khach waiting for mass while tourists pose for photos

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  • Sourb Khach waiting for mass while tourists pose for photos

    Sourb Khach waiting for mass while tourists pose for photos

    11:24 - 19.09.10

    Archbishop Aram Ateshyan, Deputy Patriarch of Constantinople will
    serve today the long-awaited mass at the Sourb Khach Church (Saint
    Cross) on Akhtamar Island, Van, Eastern Turkey.

    The liturgy service will take place at 11 a.m. local time (1
    p.m. Yerevan time).

    Prior to the ceremony Aram Ateshyan met with Van Governor Myunir

    `No rings will ring at the church, but their ringing will resound in
    our ears. I know there has recently been an uneasy situation. But we
    tried to explain [to the people] that it is not something
    inexperienced hands can do. It will be right if experienced craftsmen
    would install the cross, and I am declaring in front of the media that
    the cross will be restored after the mass. I have told this all - both
    Armenia and the Diaspora. Both our minister and the governor have made
    promises over the issue. The cross will be installed no later than in
    one and a half month, and we will anoint it afterwards,' said
    Archbishop Ateshyan, expressing his gratitude to Mr Karaloglu for
    having organized everything for the mass to be served.

    Some 55 people will be inside the Sourb Khach Church during today's
    service, while other guests will follow the ceremony on the two big
    screens set up in the yard.

    The mass has kicked up a lot of activity in Van with as much as 6000
    tourists expected to attend the liturgy. But that number might be
    unrealistic after some Armenian tour operators canceled all the
    travels to Van amid calls to boycott the mass which many Armenians
    consider a show Turkey demonstrates to improve its image.

    Mother See of Holly Etchmiadzin also joined the boycott saying it will
    not send representatives to Van.

    While emotions are running among many Armenians as they prepare to
    attend the ceremony, some tourists pose for photos on the pedestal
    that the cross is temporarily installed before it will be placed on
    the dome.

    The event will be covered by 118 journalists from Turkey and 27 others
    from abroad.

    From: A. Papazian