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Nagornyy Karabakh Conflict: Myths And Reality

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  • Nagornyy Karabakh Conflict: Myths And Reality

    by David Stepanyan

    Friday, August 5, 20:19

    The most difficult task of the intermediaries in the matter of
    reaching peaceful settlement of the old Karabakh conflict, though
    it is strange, is not how to gain from the presidents of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan signing of the raw document, but how to fulfill it later.

    However, just as a result of its fulfillment, the regular escalation
    of violence in the region will become possible.

    It is no secret, that in the basic principles for the conflict
    settlement there are absolutely no realistic schemes how to reach
    fully-fledged peace. That's why, today the societies of both states
    have to strictly differentiate myths, which permanently appear around
    the settlement process, from reality...

    The reality is that the new proposals of the Russian president on
    taking the settlement process out deadlock appeared immediately
    after the failure of the Kazan meeting of the three presidents. The
    information was disseminated in Armenia and Azerbaijan about the
    next trilateral meeting of the presidents, which the Kremlin has been
    preparing around Mevedev's new ideas. It has become clear, that there
    is no need to wait for rapprochement of positions of the parties to
    the conflict based on the so-called Madrid principles.

    However, against such a background, the parties to the conflict
    and the external forces connected with it in this or that way, have
    started inventing new myths about the receipt which will change the
    situation around Nagornyy Karabakh and destroy the status-quo, which
    the Azerbaijani party dreams of from the talks most of all.

    Incidentally, the lovers of the modern myths are not confused for
    the fact that the next meeting of the presidents did not take place,
    as well as for the fact that the history of settlement has not yet
    given reason for such conclusions. In fact, such mythologization of
    the conflict supported and disseminated by the parties and co-sponsors
    of the process, is becoming a serious factor which contradicts its
    settlement. In this context, incidentally just the Kazan failure
    has become the stimulus for animation of discussion about possible
    settlement of the conflict through a new war.

    Thus, official Baku has again started rattling the saboteur and
    threatening Yerevan and Stepanakert with a stick of new war, at the
    same time keeping for the intermediaries a hard carrot in the form of
    "the widest autonomy". For its part, the leadership of Armenia again
    is putting stress on the transitional status and the necessity of
    giving an independent status to Nagornyy Karabakh, mentioned in the
    basic principles for the Karabakh settlement.

    So there was no real pre-condition, except mythology and groundless
    optimism for signing of the real agreement on settlement of the
    conflict, either in Kazan or before it. But who is blamed for not
    happening of the eagerly expected "breakthrough"? The Americans and
    Europeans cast responsibility for the blame on president Medvedev and
    Russian diplomacy, blaming them for the fact that they do not want
    "to lose their positions in the South Caucasus". As for the Russians,
    they again suspected that the Americans want "to bank fires" by
    Russia's hands.

    As a result, in the person of the Karabakh conflict we have come across
    just a part of the big geo-political game of the world superpowers, in
    which all of them are guided only by the national interests. Actually,
    all last processes demonstrated invalidity of the thesis "superpowers
    resolve everything and every time". The positions and interests of
    the ruling elites of Armenia and Azerbaijan have always been the
    key stumbling stone on the way of mutual compromises in settlement,
    which the superpowers want to see in their own interests. By word
    of mouth president of Armenia always voices readiness to "mutual
    compromises". As for the president of Azerbaijan, he cannot allow
    himself even to express readiness to them, he gains his political
    vitality as he has an uncompromising stance.

    Both presidents undergo harsh pressing from inside as well as outside,
    which in fact cannot make Baku recognize independence of the NKR,
    and Yerevan - to gift an independent Karabakh to Azerbaijan. For
    this reason, the intermediaries have nothing else to do than to try
    to coordinate absolutely contradictory interests of the parties on
    the basis of the basic principles and naively hope to turn them into
    a pre-condition for final agreement.

    Certainly, presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan can sign "the
    principles". It is more difficult to try bring them to life, as in that
    case Aliyev will be forced, for instance, to "correct" the Constitution
    of Azerbaijan and integrate in it the point about autonomies in favor
    of Karabakh, and give these autonomies to Lezgins, Avars, Tats and
    other national minorities. After that, the head of Azerbaijan will be
    forces to gather his citizens "suffered of the Armenian aggression" and
    spread in all over the world and force them to return to the so-called
    occupied territories of Azerbaijan", so that then de-jure to recognize
    independence of Nagornyy Karabakh which is de-facto independent.

    For his part, Serzh Sargsyan having got no clear guarantee of security
    of the Karabakh people, will be force to trust in the co-chairs and
    especially Aliyev, and make the Karabakh army leave the territories
    which are the only protection of the people of Karabakh. It is not
    hard to imagine what will happen in Yerevan, Stepanakert and Baku
    after that. But the most important is that the presidents themselves
    understand it very well, as they really differ mythology from reality.
