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ASIM-DER demands Armenian immigrants' deportation

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  • ASIM-DER demands Armenian immigrants' deportation

    ASIM-DER demands Armenian immigrants' deportation

    17:48 - 05.08.11

    The Izmir-based Union against Claims by Armenians (ASIM-DER) demands
    that Turkey deport illegal Armenian immigrants, the Ihlas news agency

    ASIM-DER Press Secretary Erhan Hacikasimoglu reported that the
    organization addressed a letter to the Turkish Ministry of the
    Interior and indicated the need for deporting illegal Armenian

    "Armenians illegally living in Turkey are freely moving around our
    country, and Armenian tourists stroll where they like without
    permission. We, as an NGO, are concerned over the fact that, after
    leaving our country, these same Armenians engage in propaganda against
    the Turkish nation," he said. "We are well aware that, years ago,
    after the murder of Chief Editor of Agos newspaper Hrant Dink,
    Armenians illegally living in Turkey were among those chanting the
    slogan 'We are all Armenians, we are all Hrant Dink' in Istanbul
    streets. The Armenians illegally living in our country under the
    sponsorship of wealthy Armenian businessmen, with their number
    increasing day by day, must be deported from Turkey. We, citizens of
    Turkey, are concerned over Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan's
    anti-Turkish statements made on every occasion, as well as over the
    increasing number of Armenians illegally living in Turkey,"
    Hacikasimoglu said.

    It is not for the first time that threats to deport Armenians have
    been issued in Turkey. In an interview with the BBC Turkish service
    last year, Turkish Premier Recep Erdogan issued similar threats.
