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Turkey to appoint military chiefs

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  • Turkey to appoint military chiefs

    1 August 2011
    Last updated at 09:07 GMT

    Turkey to appoint military chiefs

    Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan chairs the annual meeting of the Supreme
    Military Council

    The government in Turkey will on Monday start appointing new
    commanders of the armed forces at a four-day annual military
    promotions meeting.

    It will be the first time a civilian government decides who commands
    the various armed forces in Turkey.

    It follows last week's resignations of the chief of the Turkish armed
    forces and army, navy and air force heads.

    The officials were furious about the arrests of senior officers
    accused of plotting to undermine the government.

    War of words

    The military and the governing AK party have for the past two years
    been engaged in a war of words over allegations that parts of the
    military had been plotting a coup.

    The BBC's correspondent in Turkey, Jonathan Head, says the contest
    between the armed forces and the party of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan, which has its roots in political Islam, has now come to a
    head and Mr Erdogan has won.

    He says Mr Erdogan and his ally, President Abdullah Gul, now insist
    they will have the final say over who commands the military.

    President Gul last week appointed General Necdet Ozel (pictured) as
    new army chief

    The former chief of the Turkish armed forces, Isik Kosaner, portrayed
    his resignation last week as a protest at the jailing of military
    officers in a variety of court cases.

    Gen Kosaner and his senior commanders quit just hours after a court
    charged 22 suspects, including several generals and officers, with
    carrying out an internet campaign to undermine the government.

    But our correspondent says there have been no hints of the military
    intervention in politics, which has been a hallmark of modern Turkish

    He says Mr Erdogan is instead likely to use the four day promotions
    meeting to put more sympathetic officers into top positions, banishing
    the latent threat that the staunchly secular military has posed to his
    government during his eight years in office.

    President Gul last week appointed General Necdet Ozel as the new army chief.

    Gen Ozel is widely expected to be swiftly elevated to chief of the
    general staff in place of Gen Kosaner. Tradition dictates that only
    the head of the army can take over the top job.

    Sledgehammer controversy

    The case that prompted last week's military resignations is the latest
    element of the protracted 'Sledgehammer' controversy - a coup plan
    allegedly presented at an army seminar in 2003.

    It reportedly involved plans to bomb mosques and provoke tensions with
    Greece, in order to spark political chaos and justify a military

    Seventeen generals and admirals currently in line for promotion were
    among those jailed in the Sledgehammer prosecutions. Altogether nearly
    200 officers were charged with conspiracy.

    Twenty-eight servicemen will go on trial next month.

    The defendants have argued that the plot was a just theoretical
    scenario to help them plan for potential political unrest.
