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Obama bars US entry to Genocide suspects, which suggests Turks, Azer

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  • Obama bars US entry to Genocide suspects, which suggests Turks, Azer

    Obama bars U.S. entry to Genocide suspects, which suggests Turks,
    Azeris must be banned

    August 6, 2011 - 17:03 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - U.S. President Barack Obama ordered new measures to
    boost the U.S. ability to stop mass atrocities such as genocide and
    bar perpetrators of war crimes from entering the United States. The
    order sets up an Atrocity Prevention Board of government agencies to
    coordinate responses to such events within the administration.

    Obama noted in a statement that 66 years after the Holocaust and 17
    years after the genocide in Rwanda the United States still lacked a
    `comprehensive policy framework' for stopping large-scale atrocities.
    Obama directed his administration to study a range of economic,
    diplomatic and other actions that can be taken in such cases.

    The U.S. president cited the likelihood of the mass slaughter of
    civilians in Benghazi, Libya, in March when the United States joined
    NATO's military action. In recent weeks, he has been criticized for
    not doing more to stop Syria's killing of unarmed protesters which,
    while it falls short of genocide, has intensified in recent days.
    Through a presidential proclamation, Obama also expanded the grounds
    for denying entry into the United States to include a larger number of
    human rights violators such as those who commit `war crimes and crimes
    against humanity'.

    However, the presidential proclamation fails to mention the Armenian
    Genocide in Ottoman Turkey, the 1st genocide of the 20th century which
    claimed 1,5 mln lives.

    As a candidate for President, Obama repeatedly vowed to recognize the
    Armenian Genocide once in office, vowing "a principled commitment to
    commemorating and ending genocide." But since 2009, Obama has declined
    to use the word in the face of furious resistance from Turkey, a key
    NATO ally.

    However, despite the U.S. President's `forgetfulness' and following
    the logic of the proclamation, Turks, guilty of Armenian Genocide and
    still negating their guilt, and Azeris, who've organized mass
    slaughters of Armenians in Sumgait and Baku, must be banned from entry
    to U.S.

    It must be naïve to believe that after so many years of supporting
    Turkish policy of negation and `neglect' of pogroms of Armenians from
    Sumgait and Baku, the U.S. administration will decide to restore
    justice by banning the entry of representatives of Turkey and
    Azerbaijan, at least naming them Genocide suspects.

    However, let's hope that the President's order will become the first
    little step to help the U.S. government face the truth by recognizing
    the Armenian Genocide and condemning the perpetrators of Sumgait and
    Baku genocides.
