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Internet To Syphon Off Mainstream Media's Advertisement Budgets In O

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  • Internet To Syphon Off Mainstream Media's Advertisement Budgets In O


    08/08/2011 12:01

    Internet resources and Internet advertisement market started
    developing in Armenia recently. In this connection we interviewed
    Armen Martirosyan, director of All Media Company.

    ARKA - Your company recently launched, a new Internet
    advertisement. What project is this and what impact it will have on
    development of Internet advertisement market in Armenia?

    Martirosyan - Our company has presented a new project,
    advertising network. There were no similar networks in Armenia before
    that. Its main aim is to unite only high-quality Armenian Internet
    resources into one advertising network using the most effective
    Internet advertisement formats. We have already run our first
    advertising campaign using rich-media format.

    Remarkable is that advertisers have already expressed their interest
    in the project. This network is beneficial to all participants -
    advertisers, since they no longer have to deal with many sites, and to
    owners of sites, since it rids them of the necessity to think about
    monetization of their sites. This advertising network will care of
    selling ad spaces.

    The network's technical ground provides advertising companies with
    all the necessary planning and effectiveness-gauging instruments.

    This project is unique in Armenia. We hope advertising
    network will spur development of Internet advertisement in the country.

    In 2010, our company launched its first project, news
    aggregator. This project is unique for Armenia as well, since only
    Russia and Ukraine among CIS member countries have such aggregators.

    The main aim of is to provide up-to-date, timely,
    trustworthy and unbiased information.

    ARKA - What do you think about Armenia's Internet advertisement market?

    Martirosyan - Armenian Internet advertisement market is developing
    quite fast mainly thanks to enlargement of the number of Internet
    users and appearance of new projects, particularly development of
    the news sector and appearance of "social" sector.

    Besides, Internet as space for boosting goods and services to targeted
    users, is gradually winning confidence among advertisers.

    ARKA - How big is the share of Internet advertisement in our country?

    Will Internet ads be able to oust traditional types of advertisement
    in the future? On what factors it will depend?

    Martirosyan - No data on distribution of advertising budget exist.

    Therefore, it is impossible to indicate particular share. However,
    it can be said for sure that Internet will siphon off a part of
    advertisement budgets from other media outlets, particularly from
    television, in one or two years. This will give a big impetus to
    development of ad spaces (sites), appearance of new types of ads and
    transition from mainstream advertising model to CRM (cost-per-mille)

    ARKA - Which Internet ads are popular in Armenia and which of them
    are demanded abroad?

    Martirosyan - Media (banner) ad is most popular kind of advertisement.

    The second most popular advertisement is context ad, which has capacity
    to grow thanks to appearance of small and medium companies in Internet.

    Things in countries with developed Internet market are polar opposite -
    the share of context ad is far higher than that of media advertisement.

    ARKA - Is there data on audience of Internet advertisement in Armenia?

    Are there situations when demand for advertisement exceeds supply?

    Martirosyan - There are no particular data on Armenian Internet users,
    since no studies are conducted on this matter.

    An approximate idea about the number and types of Armenian Internet
    users can be formed from Russian rating systems.

    According to the statistical service about 630,000
    people visit Internet from Armenia every day. However, it should
    be taken into account that this figure doesn't show the number of
    people, since one user can visit Internet from several computers,
    mobile phones and other devices. Nevertheless, this figure gives us
    an approximate idea of Internet audience.

    Average daily audience of Armenian Internet grew five times this year,
    compared with 2010, and one user's views three times. It means people
    in Armenia started visiting Internet more often and spending more
    time here.

    To your second question I can say that demand exceeds supply mainly
    in December due to placement of ads for a certain period of time -
    one week or one month, and many advertisers are left with no space
    for advertising. In such a situation CRM (cost-per-mille) model would
    put things right.

    ARKA - Representatives of which areas place their ads in Internet
    more often than others?

    Martirosyan - The most active advertisers in Internet are financial
    companies, telecommunication operators and car importers. The thing is
    that these companies can afford to advertise in various media channels,
    including Internet.

    ARKA - How many players (Internet advertisement agencies) are on the
    Armenian market?

    Martirosyan - Internet advertisement market is dynamically developing.

    Many companies acknowledge Internet's power, and this attracts them.

    More than 20 companies in Armenia offer their services, particularly
    on placing ads and boosting sites.

    ARKA - Which sites are more attractive for advertisers?

    Martirosyan - The most attractive places to advertisers in Armenian
    Internet are news sites as well as specialized pages spotlighting
    finance and car business, which embrace certain audience.

    Russian portals and social networks attract more Armenian Internet
    than other outside Internet sources.

    What about selection of pages for advertising, I'd like to say that
    as a rule, advertisers are guided by quantity, not quality parameters
    in their choice.

    Very few advertisers or advertising agencies engaging in planning and
    placing clients' ads ground their choice on quality parameters, such as
    composition and geographic distribution, or other important parameters.

    Therefore, advertisers don't see the expected result, and advertisement
    budgets are used ineffectively, while a right planning of a campaign
    would produce different effect and attract more advertisers.

    ARKA - How much Internet ad costs in Armenia?

    Martirosyan - No factors impact price-making process in Armenian
    Internet, excluding prices for context ads. Neither thematic focuses
    nor the number of views impact prices. That is why it would be wrong
    to speak about justified price for Internet advertisement.

    ARKA - Is there any assessment of effectiveness of marketing in
    the network?

    Martirosyan - Certain instruments for studies are needed for gauging
    effectiveness of marketing, particularly Internet ads. There are
    no such instruments in Armenia, since advertisers pay no attention
    to the necessity to gauge effectiveness, or their employees have no
    sufficient knowledge to analyze results of advertising campaigns. This
    lessens effectiveness of usage of the advertising budget.
