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Who Brought Closer The Second Karabakh War?

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  • Who Brought Closer The Second Karabakh War?

    11:14:12 - 08/08/2011

    Question to political scientist Igor Muradyan

    - How can be seen the upcoming visit of Ilham Aliyev to Sochi for a
    meeting with Dmitry Medvedev? What can we expect from this meeting?

    - The Western community, the U.S. first of all provided Russia with
    a certain level of freedom in the Nagorno Karabakh issue settlement.

    As a result, the goal is achieved, there can be no word on the
    settlement but Russia has demonstrated its complete incapacity to
    operate the available levers. Recently, in Moscow, in quite a decent
    society, the question was asked: "If the Americans support Dmitry
    Medvedev, why they do not hide their joy at the failure of Russia?"

    The supposed consultants to presidential office for South Caucasus
    and other regions think so. And this is the Russian establishment,
    or service to the establishment.

    The problem now, is not so much the jokes, which are made in address
    to the Russian president, but rather the intentions of the United
    States and France, to review the mechanisms of conflict resolution
    in a certain space, which includes leveling the role of Russia, and
    in any case, the exclusion of its leading role in these issues. This
    is a hit to the self-esteem and personal prestige of Dmitri Medvedev
    who believed that the Americans sympathize with him so much that
    they are ready to withdraw from the region. Therefore, illusions
    appear in Moscow about the possibility of 'playing-off the lost game'
    which is apparently connected with the hope that it will be possible
    to convince Azerbaijan of the need to "save face" to D. Medvedev.

    Moreover, even some threats are used with the expectation that Armenia
    must once again pay with blood for the welfare of the favorites
    of Moscow.

    The U.S., completed the "pause" more evidently and returned to the
    former plans on the familiarization of the South Caucasus to its
    strategy, and the possibility appeared in the region to develop a third
    force as an alternative to the expected Turkish-Russian alliance. In
    addition, the functions are determined and distributed which are
    allotted to new and newest South Caucasian states: exceptionally
    transitional functions and repression of Russia are given to Georgia,
    functions on regional balance and repression of Turkey to Armenia,
    functions of "secondary" bases to Azerbaijan, and Abkhazia, South
    Ossetia and Nagorno Karabakh are determined to block the efforts
    of Turkey and Russia in the region. When British people want to
    point out the political-intellectual capacities of the Americans,
    they say: "Americans are simple people". In reality, this plan is
    not only simple and obvious, but it "floats into the hands" of the
    designers. The U.S. has initiated now active work on the absorption
    of Azerbaijan, which supposes its distancing not only from Russia
    but also from Turkey.

    As to Russia, it is clutching at a straw. After the stupid and funny
    three-party game on surrender of Armenia's interests for the sake of
    strengthening the influence on Azerbaijan, it is only left to prove
    to the Americans that Russia, having failed its political games, is
    able at least to prevent the war. They will have to decide what is
    necessary to do for that: to go on humiliating in front of Azerbaijan
    or to deploy other two divisions of S-300 systems.

    The question occurs who brought the second Karabakh war closer -
    the U.S. or Russia? An important trump appears in the hands of the
    Armenian leadership as well as hopes to become a participant in this
    game, more precisely, to accept meaningfully the prospect of war.

    From: Baghdasarian