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Khachaturov Merely Repeated - 2

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  • Khachaturov Merely Repeated - 2

    13:34:11 - 08/08/2011

    Armenian mass media reported that Yuri Khachaturov, chief of the
    general staff of the Armed Forces, stated in the meeting hall of the
    Defense Ministry, that the liberated territories must be handed over
    because the army of Azerbaijan is stronger, and Azerbaijan will grant
    Karabakh wider sovereignty.

    These statements were reported to be made by Khachaturov on July 11.

    They were preceded by Serzh Sargsyan's scandalous statements at the
    PACE, when he said Azerbaijan would have advantage in a possible war
    over Nagorno Karabakh.

    What did the chief of the general staff of the Armed Forces have to do,
    who actually is the Head of the Armed Forces? He had to obey and repeat
    the words of his supreme commander. Khachaturov probably knows best
    of all the current situation of the Armenian army. Supplies, arms and
    military preparedness of the army are under his supervision. He knows
    better than anyone else that the army today is a personal "garden" of
    generals, where the soldier does not receive necessary calories and
    military skills, where instead of statutory relationship, "thieves'
    laws" reign, where "suicides" are committed for which no one is held
    responsible, instead the leadership of the army keeps getting richer
    and richer at the expenses of the "army" and other businesses.

    Khachaturov has another way - resignation. Resignation for the current
    situation that brought about the idea to hand over the homeland. Can
    you imagine such a dignified step by a dignified officer? But the
    dignified way does not suit the leadership of the army and the country.
