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Davit Tonoyan: "Armenian-U.S. defense cooperation grows impressively

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  • Davit Tonoyan: "Armenian-U.S. defense cooperation grows impressively

    Davit Tonoyan: "Armenian-U.S. defense cooperation grows impressively"

    Aug 9, 2011

    Exclusive Interview of the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the
    Republic of Armenia Davit Tonoyan to Mediamax Agency

    - On July 18-21, the delegation headed by you took part in
    Armenian-U.S. defense consultations in Washington D.C., during which
    the sides agreed to expand the spheres of cooperation. Tell us about
    these spheres, please.

    - During the recent consultations we mainly focused on Armenian defense
    reforms and development of Armenian Armed Forces, aiming to clarify
    with our American colleagues the USA's possible assistance to these
    processes. We particularly discussed defense policy of the Republic
    of Armenia, the implementation of plans aimed at the development of
    Armenian Armed Forces based on the results of Armenia's Strategic
    Defense Review (SDR), human resource management, professional military
    education, development of professional NCO corps, export control of
    military goods, issues related to humanitarian demining, as well as
    some programs of public and cultural interest.

    Besides, we also touched upon such issues as the effective use of
    the assistance rendered by the United States and US capabilities in
    the development of Armenian peacekeeping capabilities, including the
    organization of both bilateral and multilateral combined exercises.

    - Where, when and in what framework will the exercises be held?

    - It has been already 10 years that the Armenian and the U.S. military
    have been conducting combined military exercises in the spheres
    of peacekeeping, communications, military medicine and emergency
    response. Small-scale training activities have been also held. We
    should also keep in mind the combined activities and liaison of
    Armenian and U.S. military during the operations in Iraq, Kosovo
    and Afghanistan.

    However, all this was done mainly on multilateral basis, through
    multinational operations and exercises. As for the possibility of
    holding bilateral Armenian-U.S. exercise, yes, this issue has been
    discussed. However, taking into consideration the fact that NATO/PfP
    Live and Command Post Exercises have been restored since this year,
    the urgency of holding bilateral Armenian-U.S. exercise for training
    purposes of our peacekeepers decreases, but the issue remains on the
    agenda of further Armenian-U.S. consultations.

    The Armenian Ministry of Defense has big experience in organizing
    and holding multilateral exercises.

    - Can we say that the Armenian-U.S. defense cooperation is moving
    from the incipient stage to comprehensive cooperation?

    - The Armenian-U.S. defense cooperation has indeed grown impressively
    over last years. Among the achievements of Armenian-U.S. defense
    cooperation in 2010-2011 we can mention the process of SDR and the
    beginning of implementation of the development plan worked out as a
    result of the SDR as well as the three-fold expansion of the Armenian
    contingent participating in ISAF mission, taking into account the
    fact that the Armenian military who have been trained with the U.S.

    assistance forms the contingents participating in international
    peacekeeping operations.

    - The session of the North Atlantic Council in 28+1 format (NATO
    members +Armenia) was held in Brussels on July 27, as a result of
    which the renewed Individual Partnership Action Plan was discussed.

    Receiving the Special Representative of NATO Secretary General in
    Yerevan in late June, Armenian President expressed the hope that the
    renewed IPAP will allow bringing the cooperation to a new quality
    level. Which are the main changes of IPAP for the Armenian Defense

    - Let me clarify that the session attended by the Armenian Ministers
    of Defense and Foreign Affairs, focused not on the renewed IPAP but
    on the Assessment Report of the previous IPAP, which gives grounds to
    launch the process of approval of the renewed IPAP. I think it will
    be approved by the end of this year when all NATO allies approve the
    renewed IPAP worked out by joint efforts of experts from Armenia and
    NATO International Staff.

    As for the content of the new IPAP, its biggest and principal
    difference is that the previous ones were mainly directed to the
    conduct of the SDR process, whereas the new program mainly aims at
    the realization of results of the Review.

    Besides, together with previous spheres the new IPAP includes such
    areas as the study of capabilities for improving battle training
    programs for various types of Armenian Armed Forces, cooperation in
    military-industrial sphere, as well as the study of NATO member
    states' armament and military equipment the codification and
    standardization system aimed at the development of future defense
    industrial cooperation with them.

    - During meetings in USA and Brussels you have discussed the issue of
    improving the peacekeeping capabilities of the Armenian Peacekeeping
    Forces. At what stage of readiness are our peacekeepers today and
    what are the problems that still need to be solved?

    - Today, the 12th peacekeeping brigade of the Armenian Armed Forces
    has two fully equipped infantry battalions and can provide about two
    companies for operations by rotation principle. Today, on the whole
    161 servicemen of the brigade are permanently deployed in the theatres
    of multinational operations: 126 in Afghanistan, and 35 - in Kosovo.

    The third battalion of the brigade is being formed now.

    Within the framework of developing the brigade (the process will be
    completed in 2015), we focus our efforts on the development of its
    logistics capabilities and equipment. In this process not secondary
    attention is paid also to the constant training, re-training and
    eventual assessment of the brigade's manpower.

    An engineer battalion has recently joined Armenian peacekeeping forces,
    which was also declared in the PfP pool of forces in the framework
    of Operational Capabilities Concept, so we are planning to carry out
    combat readiness evaluations for this unit as well.

    - You have recently met with your Russian colleagues. Unlike the
    Armenian-U.S. military ties, the Armenian-Russian defense cooperation
    has a rich history and the sides seem to understand each other better.

    What issues have been discussed in Moscow?

    - The Armenian-Russian defense cooperation has indeed a rich history
    and traditions and involves wider spectrum of defense cooperation
    than with other countries.

    While in Moscow I have hold meetings with CSTO Secretariat's leadership
    and my colleagues from the Russian Defense Ministry. During my meetings
    in CSTO we discussed a number of issues such as: the establishment
    of organization's Military Committee, improvement of Combined Joint
    Staff activities, as well as the involvement of observers from various
    international organizations and countries in future military exercises
    to be carried out with the framework CSTO Rapid Reaction Collective
    Forces and Armenian-Russian Combined Task Force, which will ensure
    necessary transparency and will be considered as a confidence building
    measure in the region thus reinforcing the image of the CSTO as an
    organization ensuring the regional security.

    As for the meetings with our colleagues from the Russian Defense
    Ministry, they were devoted to the discussion of such issues as the
    coordination of Armenian and Russian defense ministries' positions
    on the future of international arms control arrangements, regional
    security, optimization of the Russian 102nd military base in Armenia
    and re-deployment and modernization of its units.

    - There is an opinion that Russia attaches rather "symbolic" than
    combative importance to its military base in Armenia. What can you
    say in this regard? I suppose the issue of the base has also been

    - I think this is the case when we shouldn't seek for some hidden or
    other meanings. The presence of the Russian military base in Armenia
    has always been conditioned by the political-military interests of the
    two countries. According to the agreement on the extension of terms of
    deployment of the Russian military base in Armenia signed last year,
    the 102nd base also undertook the commitment to support Armenia's
    security. Thus, it's not a secret that the Russian military base is
    the indivisible part of Armenia's security system, which is set in
    a number of conceptual documents of the Republic of Armenia such as
    the National Security Strategy, Military Doctrine.

    - The Russian Defense Minister has recently visited Azerbaijan to
    discuss the future of Gabala Station. Does Armenia have a position
    about the operation of the station and possible change of its status?

    - The exploitation of Gabala radiolocation station has a definite
    importance for the Russian Federation. During the Soviet times it was
    part of the missile defense system and now it allows Russian Armed
    Forces to control the air picture in the region and prevent missile
    attacks. Taking into account the Armenian-Russian allied ties, we
    don't consider the exploitation of Gabala base by Russia as running
    counter to Armenia's security interests. On the contrary, I believe
    the more our strategic ally and other partner states get involved in
    the security and, why not, in the military spheres of our neighboring
    country, the more it will facilitate the security of the entire region.
