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Year-Old Girl From Stepanakert Writes To President Aliyev

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  • Year-Old Girl From Stepanakert Writes To President Aliyev


    August 11, 2011

    13 year-old Adeliana Avagimyan from Stepanakert, the capital of
    Artsakh, has written a letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

    Below are some passages of the letter.

    Mr. President. My name is Adeliana Avagimyan, a school pupil from

    I haven't told anyone that was writing this letter to you. In fact,
    I thought long and hard about writing it or not.

    I was born and raised in Stepanakert. I love my country because
    Karabakh is my homeland. My parents and grandparents were also
    born here.

    So were their forefathers. Do you know that Karabakh was originally
    called Artsakh, a region of historic Armenia?

    Mr. President, whenever I watch TV or listen to what older folk are
    talking about, I am amazed. It seems that you are constantly talking
    about Karabakh and about war. Aren't there other issues on your mind?

    I have never seen any Azerbaijanis. I do not think about you or your
    country. It's the same with my parents. I can't understand what it
    is that you want from us.

    I have heard that you have never been to Artsakh - to our Gandzasar,
    our Dadivank or Amaras - but you want to conquer our country.

    Don't you have enough land already? Why do you need our Karabakh?

    My father fought in the war. I have never seen war but my elders say
    it is a terrible thing and I don't want to experience one myself.

    But my elders say that if war breaks out again they are ready to
    defend our country once more. I too will assist in whatever way I can.

    I have asked my parents why it is that we won over your overwhelming
    forces. They answer because we were on our lands, defending our
    country, and that the Azerbaijanis came to conquer us, to steal
    our freedom.

    If you start a war to conquer us, the entire Armenian people will
    rise up to defend our lands.

    I am sure that if you start a war, you and your children and relatives
    will not fight. You will send common Azerbaijani youth to fight
    for you.

    I know that many of us, even women and children, will die if war
    breaks out.

    But thousands of Azerbaijani youth and children will also be sacrificed
    and left orphaned.

    Is this want you want?

    Why spend all your money on buying weapons for war?

    Shouldn't you be spending it on creating a better life for your people
    and for improving conditions for those refugees created by the war
    started by your father?

    I would really appreciate it if you would answer my letter and explain
    why you want to conquer my homeland.
