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The Armenian Phoenix

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  • The Armenian Phoenix

    Dr. Henry Astarjian

    Seldom in history have so many conglomerated opportunities mandated
    action in such a short time, on such a wide span of geography,
    to revive such a major cause related to nationhood, statehood,
    independence, and sovereignty.

    The major question is whether we have leaders who have guts, vision,
    lucidity, and dedication, and are capable of handling the issues
    correctly, deliberately, and with unyielding conviction, for the road
    is long, tough, and studded with unexpected surprises.

    In a geopolitical storm such as the one the region is going through
    right now, the dust that it generates make it hard to recognize a
    matter objectively, let alone predict the future and plan for it.

    Hard, it could be, but impossible it could not; events, discoveries
    of facts, and history facilitate separation of fact from fiction.

    Such is the case with the Armenian reality today, and through it
    all one can see the Phoenix rising against the rising sun. We are
    at the dawn of a major advancement thrown at us by destiny, yet we
    are oblivious to the facts and continue to pursue a two-step faulty
    national policy that involves:

    a) internationally incriminating Turkey for committing the Armenian
    Genocide, and then, after finishing the task,

    b) asking for reparations, which in some minds are monetary.

    Imagine, if you will, selling your millennia-old national property,
    Western Armenia, for $3 billion, as some reparations-pursuing people

    This approach was wrong, is wrong, and shall continue to be wrong. It
    is based on the mercy and the goodwill of major countries that
    dominate the international arena, and whose interests are not served
    by alienating Turkey. Much to the delight of Turkey, the plan continues
    to suffer from inertia.

    Other approaches are essential and deserve full consideration. It is
    imperative to shift from a defensive position to offensive action in
    the enemy territory. No, I don't mean waging war against Turkey, but
    exploiting the internal vulnerabilities from which Turkey continues
    to suffer today. There are some 20 million Kurds, the disenchanted
    and disenfranchised in Turkey, and now some 100,000 Muslim Armenians
    in the body of the Hamshen, and close to a million Armenians who
    were forcibly converted to Islam to save their necks, and who are
    yearning to openly claim their ethnic identity and be recognized as
    such. There are many among these people look up to us, admire our
    victory in Karabagh, and look for our guidance.

    The major question is whether we have leaders who have guts, vision,
    lucidity, and dedication, and are capable of handling the issues
    correctly, deliberately, and with unyielding conviction, for the road
    is long, tough, and studded with unexpected surprises.

    Times have changed. So have people and their approach to solving
    their problems: There has been an awakening and increased political
    awareness among people who for so long suffered in the hands of corrupt
    governments and tyrant rulers. Ideologies and political orientations
    have metamorphosed to shed the mental serfdom that had controlled
    their thoughts, and therefore behavior, for more than a century.

    The Arab Spring is a phenomenon worthy of serious consideration. It
    is just coming out of the Arab Winter, which was imposed upon them
    by the Ottoman Turks some 400 years ago. Their awakening started some
    100 years ago through the Hashemite Revolution; their goal was to rid
    the Arab nation from the tyranny of the sultans and the hegemony of
    the Ottoman Turk. In this, they were revolutionary partners of the
    Armenians, who were also waging armed struggle against the Ottoman
    Caliphate. The ARF's action to assassinate the Red Sultan Abdul Hamid
    was hailed by the Arabs and gave them a psychological boost. King
    Hussain Bin Ali of Hijaz acknowledged that and released a fatwa asking
    the Arabs to help the Armenian refugees who had escaped the genocide.

    This revolution, which resulted in establishing today's Arab states,
    lasted for only so long. It did not work for a variety of reasons, not
    the least of which was corruption and political oppression by their
    rulers. To bring about change, people had to evolve their thoughts
    and struggle to a point of maturation, which gave birth to the Arab
    Spring. True, the aftermath of the winter is still lingering and their
    road is still long, but reaching their destination is sure. Look at
    Egypt today, some six months after their revolution: People are back
    in Tahrir Square challenging their government to complete their goals!

    It is the evolved psychology of the ordinary person that is motivating
    them; they had changed from Pharaonic serfdom to peasants of the
    monarchy era, to British and Ottoman colonies, to freedom-seeking
    masses demanding democracy.

    The lessons of Arab Spring should not be overlooked!

    Armenians must have a change of mind and change of heart to free
    ourselves from the passivity that has been injected into our veins
    by age-old antiquated and corrupt organizations. It is a scientific
    fact that prolonged grief leads to serious mental depression. They
    put us there, we stayed there, and we are still there! The nation is
    depressed and cannot see the rising Phoenix. We must discard, with
    our whole being, the conviction that we are victims. We were, but
    not anymore! Not after our glorious victory in Karabagh, not with our
    Hamshen in the Trabizon area, not with our Javakhk, not with our two
    million-strong community in Moscow, not with our Armenian-American and
    French-Armenian communities, not with our Javakhk brothers in Georgia,
    and not with the rest of the Diasporan Empire.

    No, we cannot afford to continue the mentality of self-pity; we must
    recognize the Phoenix and be on the offensive.

    Armenia must be the nidus of all things Armenian, which it is not now.

    If we do not change, we will continue the pathetic status quo, which
    exists now in Armenia.

    We would continue the status quo if we continue neglecting the
    villager in Armenia, and leave him wanting for a piece of bread,
    and treating him at best with benign neglect.

    We would continue the status quo if we hold rigged elections,
    continuing corruption at the highest levels.

    We would continue the status quo if, through economic inaction,
    emigration to the tune of 65,000 Armenian citizens a year continue.

    We would continue the status quo if we don't take care of our valiant
    warriors who realized the Artsakh victory, some of whom have become
    food scavengers, while 10 percent of the population in Armenia lives
    in European-style luxury.

    No, we cannot survive if the status quo persists.

    It is irrelevant who is in government as long as these shamefully
    raging problems are rectified.

    Present-day Armenia cannot live with handouts. Even with that,
    they are doing a poor job. The diaspora has lost its confidence in
    the government of Armenia. There is also a psychological disconnect
    between Armenia and the diaspora; we are disappointed and heartbroken,
    our relationship with Armenia has become disjointed. The honorable
    minister charged with diasporan affairs, Hranoush Hagopian, has failed
    to mobilize us in support of pan-Armenianness.

    All this lies in one thing: leadership. The leaders of Armenia, the
    diaspora, and the political parties who are at the helm, must realize
    that these problems beg a solution. They must also realize that the
    sun is rising on the Armenian nation, albeit on a foggy day, showing
    the Armenian Phoenix on the horizon. The Phoenix must be recognized!
