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Christians Moving Back To The Holy Land

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  • Christians Moving Back To The Holy Land


    National Catholic Register
    Aug 11, 2011

    There are signs of a reversal of the massive emigration that has been
    caused by war and economic hardship.

    JERUSALEM - In 2003, Margo Tarazi from East Jerusalem couldn't make
    a living, so she decided to move to Holland, her mother's birthplace.

    "I worked at my family's incoming travel agency until 2002, but there
    wasn't any work because of the second intifada," Tarazi, now 35,
    said recently. She was referring to the Palestinian uprising that
    brought tourism to the Holy Land almost to a standstill. "Then I spent
    a year and a half working for an NGO [non-governmental organization],
    but I didn't like it," she said.

    Eager to start a life away from Israeli military checkpoints and
    Palestinian suicide bombers, Tarazi utilized her Dutch passport. Then,
    her maternal grandmother, the person she had hoped to rely on in
    Holland, died the week before her arrival.

    "I was on my own, single in Amsterdam. I enjoyed my freedom - not
    having to show my ID every five minutes. But I led a bit of a lonely
    life in Holland. I didn't enjoy it, the lack of spontaneity, and I
    missed the sun," she said.

    Four years later, Tarazi packed up again and moved back to Jerusalem.

    "My parents were getting older and needed my help to run the business.

    I have no regrets," Tarazi said of her decision to return. "I just
    wish I'd left Holland sooner."

    Tarazi is one of many Palestinian expatriates who have returned home in
    recent years. Their return - usually for financial or family reasons -
    has brought a modicum of stability to Holy Land Christian communities
    whose numbers have been eroding for decades.

    Earlier this year, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad told a group
    of bishops that, for the first time in many years, more Christians
    returned to the Palestinian territories and Jerusalem than departed.

    Citing statistics from 2009 - the most recent available - Fayyad said
    the ratio of returnees to emigrants "is positive for the first time."

    He credited improvements in Palestinian civic society, governance
    and infrastructure for much of the reversal.

    Economic Recovery

    Sami El-Yousef, who directs the Pontifical Mission-Catholic Near East
    Welfare Association's Jerusalem office, traces much of the stability
    to the end of the intifada and the Holy Land's economic recovery
    beginning in 2006-2005.

    >>From then on, El-Yousef said, many Palestinians who had emigrated
    to the West began contemplating their eventual return.

    The economic gains in Palestine-Israel, coupled with the world
    financial crisis "meant that it became better to be here than anywhere
    else," the administrator said.

    Many of the Palestinians who emigrated still had family and often
    property to return to, El-Yousef noted. Most were single or people
    with young children looking for a better, more secure life outside
    of the turbulent Middle East.

    Such was the case for George Sandrouni, an Armenian Christian whose
    family has created beautiful ceramics for decades.

    Sandrouni emigrated to Canada with his wife and two children in 2000,
    just after Pope John Paul II's historic pilgrimage to the Holy Land
    and just before the outbreak of the intifada.

    Two months after relocating in Toronto, Sandrouni rented a spacious
    studio to house his ceramic workshop and sought out other Armenian

    While the family felt at home in the expatriate Armenian community,
    "we had no family there and felt somewhat alone," he said.

    Finances were another problem.

    "My overhead was high. I could not make a living doing what I do.

    Renting a house, leasing a car, paying for my daughters' private
    tuition were all quite expensive."

    While Sandrouni could have sent his children to public school, "it was
    important to us that they started their school day in prayer," he said.

    Like many other immigrants, Sandrouni wanted to leave behind his
    old life and start anew. But when he encountered Canada's culture,
    he felt it necessary to anchor his children in Armenian culture.

    Affinity to the Land

    Though the ceramicist said Jerusalem isn't the safest of all cities,
    the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in America made him realize that "no
    place is completely safe."

    The family moved back to East Jerusalem in 2004.

    "I think Canada is one of the best countries in the world, because
    it provides its citizens the freedom to be whatever they want to be,"
    Sandrouni said.

    At the same time, he's glad to be back in Jerusalem.

    "I'm making a living, giving my daughters a good education. It's very
    important to me that, here in Jerusalem, people don't have to make
    an effort to be Christian."

    El-Yousef is convinced that most young Palestinian Christians would
    not contemplate emigrating - or would come back - if good jobs and
    affordable housing were more readily available.

    A survey by the Catholic Ordination Committee, a consortium of
    Christian aid organizations in the region supports his judgment. The
    study, conducted in 2010, concluded that that Palestinians between
    the ages of 14 and 35 still "have a great affinity to the land,"
    El-Yousef said.

    "These young people said, 'This is where I want to be, where I want
    to study and raise a family and be part of society.'"

    The results were "a bit surprising," El-Yousef added, because there
    is a popular belief that young Palestinians "can't wait to graduate,
    study abroad and never come back."

    In reality, El-Yousef said, the new generation of young Palestinians
    are proud of their Christian and Palestinian identities, but want the
    aid organizations and churches to help them find jobs and apartments
    they can afford.

    El-Yousef believes that if church-affiliated institutions - such as
    hospitals, clinics, social-service organizations and tourism-related
    enterprises-find a way to provide more jobs, Christian emigration
    could become a rarity.

    "What these young people are saying is: 'If we have decent employment
    and housing, why would we want to go anywhere else?'"

    Register Middle East correspondent Michele Chabin writes from Jerusalem.
