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Azerbaijan Avoided Establishing Any Investigative Mechanism Into Cea

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  • Azerbaijan Avoided Establishing Any Investigative Mechanism Into Cea


    Noyan Tapan

    (Noyan Tapan - 17.08.2011) Letter dated 4 August 2011 from the
    Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed
    to the Secretary-General

    I would like to refer to document A/65/915-S/2011/457, dated 26 July
    2011, containing the letter of the representative of Azerbaijan.

    I regret the fact that the Azerbaijani side keeps painting itself
    as the victim of "aggression" at the United Nations and other
    international organizations, without once acknowledging or honestly
    addressing its role in initiating military aggression against Nagorno
    Karabakh and Armenia.

    Yet again, with the sole purpose of discrediting the Armenian side
    through falsifications and lies based on the so-called "conclusions
    of the preliminary investigation", last week the representative of
    Azerbaijan circulated the abovementioned appalling letter accusing
    the Armenian side of the death of a 13-year-old child "as a result
    of the blast of an explosive device".

    The authors of this allegation did not make possible an independent
    investigation to check the veracity behind such a horrible claim and
    clarify its circumstances. This type of allegation is being used by
    Azerbaijani diplomacy to avoid commitments already made. Suffice it
    to recall that under exactly this alleged pretext Azerbaijan tried
    to withdraw from an agreement to set up an investigative mechanism
    into ceasefire violations, which was the outcome of the Sochi Summit
    of the Presidents on 2 March 2011.

    Regardless of their absurdity, these recent allegations serve as
    part of propagandistic war launched through excessive falsification
    and forgery.

    It is unethical to circulate such defamatory information, exploiting
    again the life of an innocent child as a propaganda tool. Azerbaijan,
    which continues to refuse to take an honest look at itself, should
    be reminded that, as a result of aggression and war launched against
    Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia during the 1991-1994 period, Azerbaijan
    heavily contaminated the bordering regions with Armenia and other
    conflict-affected areas with landmines, cluster munitions and
    explosive remnants of war. They continue to have a profound impact
    on socio-economic growth and on the day-to-day lives of the Nagorno
    Karabakh population, resulting in one of the highest per capita human
    accident rates in the world.

    Today, Azerbaijan continues to seriously obstruct the work of the
    respected mine-clearance HALO Trust charity that is carrying on an
    important humanitarian mission in the region, labelling that mission as
    "unlawful activities".

    The fact that the independent investigation has not been conducted
    and Azerbaijan avoided establishing any investigative mechanism into
    ceasefire violations clearly demonstrate who stands behind these
    violations and false accusations.

    I should be grateful if you would have the present letter, along
    with the annex on the ceasefire violations for the period from 1 July
    to 1 August 2011, circulated as a document of the General Assembly,
    under agenda items 34, 39, 64, 66 and 75, and of the Security Council.

    Garen Nazarian


    Permanent Representative
