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Crossroads E-Newsletter - August 18, 2011

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - August 18, 2011

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    August 18, 2011


    Archbishop Oshagan, Prelate, has announced that on Sunday, September
    11, on the occasion of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, all Eastern
    Prelacy parishes will remember and honor the victims of the attacks in
    New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, on September 11, 2001.

    His Eminence has asked that the sermon on that day reflect on the
    events that took place ten years ago, and he asks the faithful to pray
    for the souls of the victims, as well as for the families of the
    victims, during the Der Voghormya (Lord have mercy).

    Come to us, God of our fathers, you are the refuge of the
    afflicted. . .Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Jesus Savior have
    mercy upon us. Through this holy and immortal and life-giving
    sacrifice. Receive, O Lord, and have mercy.
    (From the hymn Der Voghormya sung during the Divine Liturgy of the
    Armenian Apostolic Holy Church.)


    A special collection of donations to aid victims of famine in Somalia
    was made last Sunday during in all Prelacy parishes. Individual
    donations may also be sent to the Armenian Prelacy, 138 E. 39th
    Street, New York, NY 10016. Please indicate Somalia Relief in the memo
    area of your check.

    The east African country of Somalia has been experiencing a full blown
    famine in several parts of the country caused by the worst drought in
    60 years. Millions of people are on the brink of starvation and aid
    deliveries are complicated by the fact that militants control the
    famine zones. Hundreds of thousands have fled to neighboring Kenya and
    Ethiopia for help, creating huge refugee camps that are in need of
    humanitarian aid and services.


    Bishop Anoushavan, Vicar General, is traveling to Lebanon, where he
    will participate in a conference devoted to the Western Armenian
    language at the Catholicosate in Antelias, Lebanon. The conference,
    which will take place this Saturday, August 20, is organized by the
    Armenological Department of the Holy See of Cilicia.

    His Grace will participate in the on-going joint meetings of the
    committee considering the canonization of the Armenian Martyrs that
    will take place in Antelias from September 21 to 25. The committee is
    comprised of delegates from the Holy Mother See of Etchmiadzin and the
    Holy See of Cilicia. The site of these meetings alternates between
    Etchmiadzin and Antelias.

    On September 1 and 2, Bishop Anoushavan will participate in the
    Armenian Youth Conference that will take place in Bikfaya, Lebanon,
    where the Cilician Sees Seminary and the summer residence of the
    Catholicos is located. The youth conference is organized by the Youth
    Department of the Holy See of Cilicia.


    The Prelacys annual LinkedIn gathering for young professionals and
    college students will take place October 7 to 9, at the Archdiocesan
    Center at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, Connecticut. The
    educational and social program begins Friday evening and continues to
    Sunday, with lectures, spiritual enrichment, Bible studies,
    meditations, liturgical services, and bonding with peers through
    various activities including discussion groups and fellowship hours.
    Registration information will be posted soon on the Prelacys web page.


    St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley, North Andover, Massachusetts,
    has been undergoing extensive renovations. The building committee
    recently provided the following update:

    Following the successful dedication of the new foyer and stairways, we
    are pleased to report that the sanctuary renovation has
    begun. Throughout the summer, Sunday services have been held in
    Jaffarian Hall while work is taking place. The first steps are to
    repair and rebuild the walls and ceiling, refinish the hardwood floor
    and completely update the electrical system and install new
    lighting. We have also made a decision to accelerate the renovation
    schedule by completing the trim and finish work now along with
    renovations to the altar. Building committee members are working to
    raise the final $75,000 needed to complete the sanctuary phase of the


    Bible readings for Sunday, August 21, First Sunday after the
    Assumption of the Holy Mother of God, are: Proverbs 11:30-12:4;
    Zechariah 2:10-13; 2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1; Luke 1:39-56.

    What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple
    of the living God; as God said, I will live in them and walk among
    them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore
    come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and
    touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be your
    father, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord

    Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from
    every defilement of body and of spirit, making holiness perfect in the
    fear of God. (2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1)

    For a listing of the coming weeks Bible readings click here (



    Next Tuesday, August 23, the Armenian Church commemorates Saints
    Joachim and Anna, parents of Mary, the mother of Christ. Joachim, son
    of Barpathir, was a descendant of
    David, to whom God had told that the Savior of the world would be
    born through his descendants. Anna was a descendant of the tribe of
    Levi through her father, and the tribe of Judah through her
    mother. Joachim and Anna were childless through years of marriage and
    were reproached for their barrenness. Joachim fasted forty days in the
    desert and both of them prayed for a child, ultimately placing their
    trust in Gods will, whatever it may be. An angel appeared to each of
    them telling them they would be the parents of a daughter, in spite of
    their advanced age. That child was Mary, the blessed mother of Christ.


    Next Thursday, August 25, the Armenian Church commemorates Jeremiah,
    one of the prophets of the Old Testament. His writings are collected
    in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah and the Book of Lamentations is
    attributed to him. God appointed Jeremiah to confront Judah and
    Jerusalem for the worship of idols and other violations of the
    covenant (described in the Book of Deuteronomy). Jeremiah had the task
    of explaining the reason for the impending disasterthe destruction by
    the Babylonian army and captivity: And when your people say, Why has
    the Lord our God done all these things to us? you shall say to them,
    As you have forsaken me and served foreign gods in your land, so you
    shall serve foreigners in a land that is not yours.


    The crew of the sailboat Armenia visited His Holiness Aram I,
    Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, on August 8, at the
    Monastery of St. Mary in Bikfaya, Lebanon.

    The sailboat is making a series of goodwill calls to ports where
    Armenian diasporan communities are settled. They present to each
    community flags of Armenia and the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. The
    voyage was organized by Zori Balayan, a well-known writer in Armenia.
    Armenias ambassador to Lebanon, Ashod Kotcharian, introduced the crew
    members to His Holiness.

    The captain of Armenia presented the flag of the Cilician Kingdom
    tothe Catholicos, who thanked the captain and crew and said: Today the
    Catholicosate of Cilicia through its vocation and mission in the
    Diaspora is a constant reminder of the Cilicia we lost. He commended
    them for their initiative and spoke of the symbolic importance of
    their voyage that he said, is a message of the unity of the land and
    its people. Historical circumstances constantly divided Armenia and
    the Diaspora. Certain forces try to divide us even today. Despite all
    attempts we have remained firm in our conviction that we are one


    His Eminence Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian, Prelate of the Prelacy of
    Tehran (Iran), participated in a joint meeting of the World Council of
    Churches (WCC) and the Christian Conference of Asia, August 1 to 5, in
    Bangkok. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possibility of
    joint ecumenical action to ensure Asian peace and security.

    On behalf of His Holiness Aram I, Archbishop Sebouh invited the
    General Secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia to visit the
    Catholicosate in Antelias, Lebanon. His Holiness welcomed the growing
    impact of ecumenism on the life of the churches in Asia, and the
    active participation of the Armenian Church in Iran in the ecumenical
    witness in the region.


    Deacon Hratch Tchilingirial, a lecturer at Cambridge University,
    visited the Cilician Sees Seminary in Bikfaya, Lebanon, where he spoke
    about the Armenian Church in Europe.
    Dn. Tchilingirian, who serves St. Sarkis Church in London, described
    the historical evolution of the Armenian Church in Europe and its
    current crisis. He described St. Sarkis Church in London as the
    example where clergy and laity work together closely. He described the
    issues Christians are facing in secular Europe and concluded that the
    Armenian Church should nurture the spirituality of its people
    everywhere in order to avoid major problems.

    Archbishop Nareg Alemezian, Dean of the Seminary, welcomed and thanked
    the guest speaker. The presence of Deacon Hratch among us demonstrates
    that all Armenian students whether in seminaries or theological
    faculties, converge around the same goal, namely, serving the Armenian
    Church responsibly, Archbishop Nareg said.



    August 17Prayer Day dedicated to the Holy Mother of God (Soorp
    Asdvadzadzin) and Blessing of the Grapes, officiated by
    Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, at the Armenian Home for Aged, 137-31 45th
    Avenue, Flushing, New York 11355. The Service, which will begin at 11
    a.m., is open to the public.

    August 21St. Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts,
    presents the greatest picnic in New England. Presided by His Eminence
    Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate, with participation of clergy
    from the New England area. All invited.

    August 28St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York, Annual Picnic on
    church grounds following church services. Delicious Shish and Luleh
    Kebob (and more); music by DJ Shant. Special KidZone with all kinds
    of fun activities; sports for youth; tavloo tournament. For
    information: 718-224-2275.

    September 10Mid-West Regional Conference, organized by the Religious
    and Executive Councils of the Eastern Prelacy, and hosted by
    St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan. Conference is open to all
    Prelacy clergy, board of trustee members, and NRA
    delegates. Conference begins at 10 am and ends at 4 pm.

    September 11Picnic-Festival, sponsored by St. Gregory Church and
    St. Michael Parish on Main Street in North Andover Town Center
    (Massachusetts), 1 to 6 pm. Main Street in front of both parishes will
    be closed to traffic. Delicious Armenian and American cuisine;
    Armenian and American music; games and activities; plenty of free
    parking. For information: 978-685-5038 (St. Gregory) or 978-686-4050
    (St. Michael).

    September 16Annual Golf Tournament, All Saints Armenian Church,
    Glenview, Illinois. For details contact Hagop Soulakian, 847-858-7685.

    September 18Annual picnic of St. Stephens Church, New
    Britain-Hartford, Connecticut, at the Quartette Club grounds, Wooster
    Street, New Britain, beginning at noon. All invited to enjoy Armenian
    food, delicacies, music and hospitality. Admission is free.

    September 19St. Stephens Armenian School/ACEC, Watertown,
    Massachusetts, 16th Annual Golf Outing at Framingham Country Club. For
    golf or sponsor information: 781-326-5764.

    September 19St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Golf
    Outing. For information: 215-482-9200.

    September 229th Annual Golf Outing, Sts. Vartanantz Church,
    Ridgefield, New Jersey. Shotgun start. Lunch, dinner, golf with cart,
    raffles, and prizes. River Vale Country Club, River Vale, New Jersey.
    Information: Mark Alashaian 201-394-2270 or Sarkis Shirinian

    September 25St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Annual
    Lobster Fest. For information: 215-482-9200.

    September 268th Annual Golf Outing, Sterling National Country Club,
    Sterling, Massachusetts, sponsored by the Mens Club of the Holy
    Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, Worcester, Massachusetts. For
    information contact Kap Kaprielian [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) or call 508-872-9629.

    October 7-9LiNKEDin 2011: Commitment: The First Step of a Spiritual
    Journey, at The Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary, Boomfield,

    October 15St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Gala
    Banquet at Founders Hall. For information: 215-482-9200.

    October 15St. Illuminators Cathedral, New York, NY, Book presentation
    of Yergir-2, by Hrair Hawk Khatcherian, at 1 pm. For information:

    November 4-5St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Ladies
    Guild Annual Bazaar. For information: 215-482-9200.

    November 26St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mens Club
    Steak Dinner. For information: 215-482-9200.

    December 3St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mens Club
    Steak Dinner. For information: 215-482-9200.

    December 18St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sunday
    School Christmas Pageant. For information: 215-482-9200.

    December 31St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, New Years
    Eve Celebration. For information: 215-482-9200.

    May 9-12, 2012National Representative Assembly of the Eastern Prelacy,
    hosted by Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island. Clergy
    conference on May 9; full delegation May 10 to 12. Accommodations at
    Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick, Rhode Island. Details will be
    forthcoming to parishes and delegates.

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacys web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    add [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) to
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    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress