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SCR Increased Efficiency Of Use Of Locomotives And Freight Cars

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  • SCR Increased Efficiency Of Use Of Locomotives And Freight Cars


    August 19, 2011

    YEREVAN, August 19. /ARKA/. South-Caucasian Railway (SCR) in
    January-July 2011 increased the efficiency of freight cars and
    locomotives, press-service of the company informs.

    As stated in the press-release, according to recent statistics of
    SCR, acceleration of turnover of freight cars for the same period of
    the last year increased by 0.2 days or 5.1%. In comparison with the
    planned task, acceleration of turnover of freight cars improved by
    28.2%. According to statistics, in average one wagon was in operation
    for 3.9 days.

    The time of operation of one wagon reduced to 0.9 hours up to the
    indicator of 36.8 hours.

    In January-July 2011 the performance of locomotive park has been
    improved. Average daily mileage of locomotive was 337.6 km, which
    exceeds the indicator of the same period of 2010 by 25.4% and the
    planned indicator of the first half of 2011 - by 13.1%.

    As SCR General Director Shevket Shaydullin noted earlier, the company
    managed to achieve such results due to the policy of quality increase
    of infrastructure and rolling stock on the basis of comprehensive
    measures of ensuring traffic safety. A key factor in these works,
    according to the CEO, is a "working man" with new approaches in
    carrying out their duties.

    "The year 2011 will become the year of exit to the road at break-even
    level. This is our number one task.", the press service cited
    Shaydullin. According to him, a range of tasks is being determined
    today, such as harmonization of transport legislation, a flexible
    tariff policy, creation of necessary conditions for the international
    transport corridors, as well as bringing infrastructure and rolling
    stock in line with international standards.

    Shaydullin noted that the past period of 2011 was the time of increase
    of efficiency of business processes for the company, increase of
    profitability and optimization of capacity.

    CJSC "South-Caucasian Railway" is a 100% subsidiary of OJSC "Russian
    Railways" implementing concession management of CJSC "Armenian
    Railways" according to the Concession Agreement signed on February 13,
    2008. Term of the concession is 30 years with the right of extension
    for another 10 years.
