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Osheen Keshishian: No New Positive Signs

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  • Osheen Keshishian: No New Positive Signs


    Noyan Tapan

    (Noyan Tapan - 19.08.2011) By Prof. Osheen Keshishian

    Despite efforts by the international mediators, the European Union
    members and particularly Russia, the Nagorno Karabakh settlement
    issue does not seem to be imminent.

    The OSCE Minsk Group as well as Armenia and Azerbaijan got ready
    for the Kazan Meeting (June of this year), but nothing tangible was
    accomplished, except it became evident that Azerbaijan put a monkey
    wrench during the discussions, as Armenia's Foreign Minister stated.

    Now, Azeri officials, publicly and approvingly are referring to the
    10-points that Azerbaijan introduced during the meeting, thus creating
    more problems for the future negotiations.

    It is interesting that the international mediators are aware of
    Azerbaijan's new proposals, and are not bringing them up. It is
    very clear now that even the Azeri media is bringing that to the
    front burner.

    While Nagorno Karabakh, according to the then existing Constitution's
    self-determination clause declared independence, yet Azeri President
    Ilham Aliyev several times stressed that Nagorno Karabakh is part
    of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan will not relinquish an inch of land
    to NKR and will give Nagorno Karabakh an autonomous status... As if
    that was not enough, he even stated that Nagorno Karabakh was under
    Azerbaijani rule for the past 600 years (sic). No one asked him as
    to when did Azerbaijan get established? Was there an Azerbaijan 600
    years ago? I think that the Armenian government or historians should
    react to this statement and put the record straight, because the more
    the unaware people read it, the more they start believing in it.

    Similarly, Aliyev made a militaristic statement at a press conference
    in Baku on July 29 that "there will come a time when Azerbaijan will
    restore its sovereignty over Nagorno-Karabakh through peaceful or
    military means." Reaction?

    One Azeri political analyst even went so far to say that the United
    States is supporting Karabakh so that it can use the Karabakh's
    Stepanakert airport to attack the countries nearby....

    Armenia's President has kept his cool and countenance. Following the
    diatribe by Aliyev, who had mentioned that "something is missing in
    the heads" of Armenian leaders, clearly and simply responded at a
    press conference "Is that a statement by a normal individual, let
    alone a leader of a country".

    Similarly, following the Medvedev-Aliyev meeting in Sochi on August 9,
    when options were to be discussed to resolve the matter, no progress
    was recorded and everything remained on the same level.

    In their analyses, Azeri observers go so far, to mention that Russian
    President Dmitry Medvedev's efforts to assist in the resolution of
    the conflict in the Caucasus is related to the upcoming elections in
    Russia because if he is able to achieve some improvement, it will be
    for his benefit and a chance to improve his image with the Russian
    people. And, because Armenia and Azerbaijan are small countries,
    the West is not very interested in resolving the issue. That's a view.

    Probably the situation will not change for a while as new means are
    not being developed by the mediators.
