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Head Of AAC Iraqi Diocese Inspects Armenian Church Construction In N

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  • Head Of AAC Iraqi Diocese Inspects Armenian Church Construction In N


    August 19, 2011 - 17:06 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Earlier this month His Eminence Archbishop Avak
    Asadourian, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Iraq, paid a pastoral
    visit to the autonomous region of Kurdistan in Northern Iraq, mainly to
    inspect the work of a new church which is being built in the village
    of Havresk (Hye Verejh) in the province of Duhok.

    According to The Armenian Weekly, Archbishop Asadourian traveled to
    the village of Havresk and met with the residents of the village in
    the "Levon Pasha" hall. During the meeting the Primate listened to
    the villagers and offered some solutions to their concerns.

    His Eminence also visited the Armenian Communities of Erbil and Duhok
    cities in a non-official capacity and delivered the sermon during
    the Divine Liturgy celebrated in the St. Nersess Shenorhali Armenian
    church in Duhok city.

    Due to a state of insecurity, especially in Baghdad and Mosul cities
    since 2003, the Armenian communities in Iraq have been experiencing
    inner migration as is the case with other Christian denominations
    and minorities. As a consequence, a number of Armenians relocated to
    the Kurdish autonomous region of Iraq. Hence, the Armenian Diocese
    of Iraq is faced with the obligation and Christian duty of building
    new churches for the faithful.

    The new house of worship is being built through a generous donation
    by the Association of churches in Germany and Switzerland, with the
    able coordination of CAPNI Foundation. The Diocese is appreciative
    of this Christian act of extending a helping hand.

    During his visit, His Eminence supervised the progress of the work
    and offered details pertaining to arrangements specific to the
    Mother church.

    It is important to note that due to limited funding the church was
    not built in an entirely Armenian architectural style. The church is
    expected to be completed early next year.

    His Eminence was accompanied by the parish priests of the churches
    of Zakho and Duhok, Fr. Artoon Khalatian and Fr. Masis Shahinian
    respectively. Also, accompanying Archbishop Asadourian were two parish
    council members from Erbil.

    Returning to Erbil, His Eminence presented his condolences to the
    families and relatives of two recently departed Armenian men on
    Saturday and Sunday August 6th and 7th in the community center.
