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Pontifical Banquet Kick-Off A Great Success As Pledges Exceed $1.2 M

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  • Pontifical Banquet Kick-Off A Great Success As Pledges Exceed $1.2 M


    Thursday, August 18th, 2011

    A scene from the kick off event last week

    Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Cheryl Nadjarian Pledge $250,000 Prof. & Mrs. Harut
    & Tamara Barsamian Donate 500 Shares of Apple Inc. Stock Deacon
    & Mrs. Mark & Margaret Shirin to Host The Pontifical Banquet LA
    CRESCENTA-A capacity crowd of Western Prelacy sponsors and friends
    gathered at Carousel Restaurant on August 11 to pledge their support at
    the Kick-off to the Pontifical Banquet which will be held on October
    16 in honor of His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House
    of Cilicia.

    Held under the auspices of Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, the Kick-off brought together sponsors and community
    members at a festive evening filled with good cheer and surprises.

    Among the guests in attendance were Clergy members, Central Executive
    members Khajag Dikijian and Vicken Kassabian, and representatives
    from the ARF Central Committee, ARS, Homenetmen, AEF, and parishes.

    Once all the guests had arrived, the program began with the invocation
    by the Prelate. Masters of Ceremonies Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian and
    Jasik Jarahian then welcomed the guests. Welcoming remarks were also
    delivered by Khajag Dikijian and Executive Council Chairwoman Rima

    Dikijian stated that the Prelacy and its parishioners are
    enthusiastically preparing for the Pontifical Visit, and expressed
    confidence that this upcoming visit will be successful just as the
    last visit was. Boghossian stressed the importance of collaboration
    in the planning of the Pontifical Visit, and noted that the success
    of the evening and the work that has already been carried out is
    confirmation of the Prelacy's strong support system of working hands,
    sponsors, and friends. She also thanked the guests and members of
    the various Pontifical Visit Committees for their support and efforts.

    The guests were given a brief report on the schedule of His Holiness
    during the Pontifical Visit. They were reminded that the visit will
    take place from October 6 to the 23rd, and were informed of some of
    the major events planned such as a community-wide welcoming on October
    6 at St. Garabed Church in Hollywood, the event dedicated to the
    Catholicosate Seminary on October 7 at the Pasadena Armenian Center,
    Pontifical Divine Liturgy at St. Mary's Church and the Pontifical
    Banquet at the Universal Hilton on October 16, presentation of the
    Pontiff's latest book "Taking the Church to the People," visits to
    parishes, and meetings with dignitaries and public officials.

    The Prelate then delivered his remarks, first welcoming the guests
    and thanking all those who have lent their efforts and support to the
    planning of the Pontifical Visit. He reiterated the main foci of the
    Pontifical Visit, which are spiritual renewal, the further anchoring
    and continued progress of Armenian schools, and reassertion of our
    spirit of national aspirations. Sharing a history of exile with our
    people, the Catholicosate of the Holy See of Cilicia remains on the
    front lines as we reassert our spirit of national aspirations and
    is our beacon of hope and light, said the Prelate. He also stressed
    that Armenian Schools have long been a primary focus of His Holiness
    and of the Catholicosate's mission, and that our schools will be the
    main focus during the Pontifical Visit.

    On behalf of the ARF Central Committee, Avedik Izmirlian extended
    his best wishes to the Prelate, Executive Council, and all the
    committees and committee members who have delved into the crucial
    work of planning for the Pontifical Visit, and noted that alongside
    the spiritual renewal and the furthering of the Armenian Cause is
    the goal of offering full support to Armenian Schools.

    The MCs then announced the sponsorship levels available, Table Sponsor
    ($2,500), "Pilgrim of Cilicia" Circle ($5,000), "Knight of Cilicia"
    Circle ($10,000), "Duke of Cilicia" Circle ($25,000), "Prince of
    Cilicia" Circle ($50,000), and "Guardian of Cilicia" Circle ($100,000),
    and invited representatives of parishes to announce their pledges,
    adding to the already festive mood of the evening.

    The guests became more elated as the Prelate began announcing the main
    sponsors and hosts of the Pontifical Banquet and Visit and revealed
    some wonderful surprises. The first major announcement was that Deacon
    Mark Shirin and his wife Margaret from Fresno were to be the main hosts
    of the Pontifical Banquet for which they had pledged a very generous
    donation. The second surprise was that Professor Harut Barsamian
    and his wife Tamara, who have established a scholarship fund at the
    Prelacy and are also the benefactors of the Orange County Armenian
    Center, with their donation of 500 shares of Apple stocks were one
    of the main sponsors of the Pontifical Visit. The third announcement
    was a pledge in the amount of $100,000 by longtime Prelacy friend
    and supporter Silva Tchakmakian. The evening's biggest revelation
    was the announcement of a $250,000 pledge by Mr. and Mrs.

    Harry and Cheryl Nadjarian, who have also over the years so generously
    lent their support to Homenetmen, the Armenian National Committee,
    the Armenian Cultural Foundation, and the AMAA.

    These announcements were met with great applause and enthusiastic
    cheers from the guests, which only grew louder with the announcement
    that the number of guests for the Pontifical Banquet had reached
    almost one thousand.

    After each of his announcements, the Prelate invited Deacon Mark
    Shirin, Prof. Barsamian, and Harry Nadjarian to express their
    sentiments. Deacon Mark, being a Seminary alumnus and long-time servant
    at Holy Trinity Church, humbly announced that he and his wife were
    presenting this modest sum towards the Catholicosate of Cilicia, the
    Prelacy and Armenian Schools as a token of gratitude, and also took
    the opportunity to congratulate the Prelate on the 35th anniversary of
    his ordination as a celibate priest. Prof. Barsamian stated that it
    was a great joy and spiritually fulfilling to be able to participate
    with his donation to the Pontifical Visit, and reaffirmed his support
    to the Catholicosate of Cilicia and the Western Prelacy. Nadjarian,
    on behalf of his wife and personally, expressed his thanks for the
    privilege and honor of participating in the welcoming and honoring
    of His Holiness. He noted that there is excitement and enthusiasm
    surrounding the Pontifical Visit of His Holiness and expressed his
    joy for being a part of the festivities.

    The evening came to a close with the benediction by the Prelate and
    the singing of the Cilician anthem.

    The Prelacy expressed gratitude and blessings to all the sponsors
    and friends for their support and efforts.

    From: A. Papazian