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Iranian MP calls on Russia to pressure U.S. to lift sanctions

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  • Iranian MP calls on Russia to pressure U.S. to lift sanctions

    Iranian MP calls on Russia to pressure U.S. to lift sanctions

    August 20, 2011 - 12:55 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Russia should pressure the United States to lift the
    sanctions imposed on Iran, Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy
    Committee Chairman Alaeddin Boroujerdi said on Friday, August 19.

    `The Islamic Republic of Iran has so far taken important steps in
    order to create transparency concerning its peaceful nuclear
    activities, and the Russians, based on the step-by-step proposal,
    should pressure the U.S. into lifting the sanctions imposed on Iran,'
    Boroujerdi told the Mehr News Agency.

    On July 13, Russia made a proposal for a `step-by-step' approach,
    according to which Iran could address questions about its nuclear
    program and be rewarded with a gradual easing of sanctions.

    Boroujerdi went on to say that the negotiations with Russia, which is
    a permanent member of the UN Security Council, are very important,
    adding that the secretary of Russia's Security Council was invited to
    Tehran to hold talks with Saeed Jalili, the secretary of Iran's
    Supreme National Security Council.

    Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev arrived in Tehran
    on Monday to discuss the `step-by-step' approach with Iranian
    officials and left on Wednesday.

    Elsewhere in his remarks, Boroujerdi pointed to Iran's package of
    proposals, which it delivered to the 5+1 group (the U.S., Britain,
    France, China, Russia, and Germany), saying it was mentioned in the
    package that Iran should have the right to acquire and develop nuclear
    technology meant for peaceful purposes.

    `The modality plan, signed by Tehran and the UN nuclear watchdog in
    2007, was meant to clear up ambiguities cited by the International
    Atomic Energy Agency, and Iran later provided official responses,' he

    The MP also noted that the U.S. does not want Iran's nuclear dossier
    to be closed because it is using the situation as a tool to pressure
    Iran to stop its nuclear activities, MNA reported.

    From: A. Papazian