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France Does Not Recognize Azerbaijan's Sovereignty Over Nagorno Kara

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  • France Does Not Recognize Azerbaijan's Sovereignty Over Nagorno Kara

    Armen Hareyan
    Aug 23, 2011

    The Foreign Ministry of France issued a strongly worded response to
    the diplomatic note, presented by the embassy of Azerbaijan in Paris
    over the French Deputies' visit to Nagorno Karabakh, making it clear
    France does not view Nagorno Karabakh's future status within the
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

    Nagorno Karabakh, struggling for its freedom and independence, is
    a majority Armenian populated de facto independent republic with
    20 years of history of functioning democratic institutions. Europe,
    probable interested to better understand this functioning democracy,
    and understanding the inevitability of establishing relations and OSCE
    having an office there one day, from time to time sees parliamentarians
    and officials visiting non-officially to Karabakh.

    Each time a foreign dignitary visits Karabakh, Azerbaijan is
    distressed. It feels that Karabakh belongs to it and foreigners should
    ask Azerbaijan for permission to visit Karabakh. This year Karabakh
    will celebrate it's 20th anniversary of independence.

    Yesterday members of French Parliament visited Nagorno Karabakh and
    said it has the right to become the next Kosovo - making a reference
    to Kosovo's international recognition. The French MPs' delegation
    headed by Guy Teissier, chairman of the French National Assembly's
    committee on national defense, met on Monday with Nagorno-Karabakh
    parliamentarians, RFE/RL reported. "Why would we keep silent and not
    say that people very deeply rooted in this land have the right to
    live here?" said Teissier.

    The French parliamentarians were received by the president of Nagorno
    Karabakh Mr. Bako Sahakyan and issues related to the current state
    of bilateral relations and prospects of their development were
    discussed at the meeting. President Sahakyan considered important
    the role of France in maintaining peace and stability in the region,
    rating high its activities as the co-chair country of the OSCE Minsk
    Group. In the context of developing bilateral relations Bako Sahakyan
    considered important expand parliamentary ties, underlining special
    interest of Artsakh in this sphere. Both sides stressed the need of
    further deepening of cooperation and elaborating concrete plans in
    this direction.

    As a response the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Paris presented a note
    protesting the French Foreign Ministry in connection with the French
    MPs' visit to Nagorno Karabakh Republic. "In our note, we noted that
    this step does not improve bilateral relations with Paris and damages
    the efforts of France, as the OSCE Minsk chair country, to settle
    the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In this regard,
    we expect the French Foreign Ministry to officially respond to the
    note and the French Foreign Ministry spokesman will voice Paris's
    position at a briefing, as previously," Azerbaijani Ambassador to
    France Elchin Amirbekov told Trend News Agency.

    French Foreign Ministry did not delay its response.

    In a written statement, published on Foreign Ministry's website,
    it reads that France has "duly advised" its parliamentarians about
    France's position with respect to Nagorno Karabakh. While the statement
    says France, like Armenia, does not recognize "the territory's"
    independence, it goes on to stress that the future legal status of
    Nagorno Karabakh "can only be determined" by a mutual consensus.

    "This territory's international legal status can only be determined
    within the framework of a peaceful and equitable solution agreed upon
    by all parties concerned. France co-chairs the OSCE Minsk Group,
    together with the United States and Russia, and as such was tasked
    with helping to find a compromise based on the Helsinki Final Act
    and the proposals put forward by the French, American and Russian
    presidents on numerous occasions, notably during the G8 Summits in
    L'Aquila in 2009 and Muskoka in 2010."

    Note that the French statement does not say anything about Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity and its sovereignty over Karabakh.

    Instead it used the phrase "this territory" and stresses that the
    future legal status is not what only Azerbaijan wants, but rather it
    will be a result of "peaceful and equitable solution agreed upon by
    all parties concerned."

    This is one of the first times when a European institution sends
    out such a strongly worded message to Azerbaijan basically saying
    Karabakh's isolation will not lead to the conflict's resolution
    and will not lead to anything good. This has been the position of
    Armenia as well, which has called on the Organization of Security and
    Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) to open an office in Nagorno Karabakh's
    capital Stepanakert.

    OSCE's Minsk Group (France, Russia and USA), which mediates the
    conflict between the involved parties, has put forward some basic
    principles, which, among other things, call for a referendum to decide
    the final legal status of Nagorno Karabakh. Azerbaijan is avoiding
    to set a date for this referendum, knowing the Armenian majority will
    vote for Nagorno Karabakh's independence.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress