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NKR: "Our Visit Is A Signal To Azerbaijan That We Are On An Independ

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  • NKR: "Our Visit Is A Signal To Azerbaijan That We Are On An Independ

    Ruzan Ishkhanian ur-visit-is-a-signal-to-azerbaijan-that-we-are-on-an-independentland&catid=1:all&Itemid=1
    August 23, 2011

    After the August 22 meeting of the Armenia-France Friendship Group
    members and the Artsakh deputies taken place at the NKR NA, we had
    a chance to make an interview with Secretary of the National Foreign
    Relations Committee of the French NA, Secretary of the Armenia-France
    Friendship Group, Mayor of Vienne Jack Remiler:

    - Mr. Remilier, does your - Artsakh's great friend's personal position
    on the Karabakh issue coincide with that of official France and what
    difficulties do you have in this context?

    - As of the French authorities' position, I can note that France is a
    Minsk Group co-chair and the French President uses all his efforts for
    exclusively peaceful settlement of the conflict, via negotiations. I
    have visited Artsakh, as a great friend of the Armenian people, to
    testify the French people's solidarity with your struggle. I came to
    say that your people, like Kosovo and other newly independent states,
    have the right to be supported and recognized by the international

    - Is it really possible for the France-Armenia Friendship Group to
    conduct corresponding works in France and generally in Europe for
    starting a process on the NKR recognition?

    - You should know that France is a democratic state and there is great
    separation between the legislative and executive bodies there. In
    this context, as an elected representative of the legislative body,
    I don't take anybody's permission and I'm not liable to anybody. But,
    for speaking about your country, we should, first of all, visit it
    and acquaint with the real situation in place. Besides, our visit is
    a signal to Azerbaijan that we are on an independent land. I'm ready
    to assume my part of responsibility, be it generally at the French
    NA or at the National Foreign Relations Committee, and introduce what
    I saw here, thus recording some progress in this issue.

    As of the NKR recognition, I should note some progress in France
    for the recent years. I'd like to add the following: at the French
    Parliament, I lead the committee on the relations with Vatican.

    Currently, Pope Benedict XVI is in Madrid for organizing the great
    convocation of the youth. We have also made sure in Armenia that
    the youth is great power, and I'd like to note in this context that
    the Armenia-France-Artsakh friendship is also based on the Christian
    values. What took place in Kosovo can also take place in Artsakh.

    - But, do the geopolitical interests of the superpowers allow Artsakh
    to enjoy the fate of Kosovo?

    - It depends on the general works. It is also strictly needed that
    Azerbaijan follows the resolutions adopted by the international
