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Turkey Decrees Partial Return of Confiscated Christian, Jewish Prope

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  • Turkey Decrees Partial Return of Confiscated Christian, Jewish Prope

    Turkey Decrees Partial Return of Confiscated Christian, Jewish Property

    Sun, Aug 28 2011
    By:Armenian Weekly

    ANKARA, Turkey - Turkey's government is returning hundreds of properties
    confiscated from the country's Christian and Jewish minorities over
    the past 75 years in a gesture to religious groups who complain of
    discrimination that is also likely to thwart possible court rulings
    against the country, reported the Associated Press (AP).

    The Akhtamar Church
    A government decree published on Aug. 27 returns assets that once
    belonged to Greek, Armenian or Jewish trusts and makes provisions for
    the government to pay compensation for any confiscated property that
    has since been sold on.

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was scheduled to announce the
    decision formally later Sunday when he hosts religious leaders and the
    heads of about 160 minority trusts, at a fast-breaking dinner for the
    holy Muslim month of Ramadan, officials said.

    The properties include former hospital, orphanage or school buildings
    and cemeteries. Their return is a key European Union demand and a
    series of court cases has also been filed against primarily Muslim
    Turkey at the European Court of Human Rights. Last year, the court
    ordered Turkey to return an orphanage to the Greek Orthodox

    Some properties were seized when they fell into disuse over the years.
    Others were confiscated after 1974 when Turkey ruled that non-Muslim
    trusts could not own new property in addition to those that were
    already registered in their names in 1936. The 1974 decision came
    around the time of a Turkish invasion of Cyprus that followed a coup
    attempt by supporters of union with Greece and relations with that
    country were at an all time low.

    Erdogan's Islamic-rooted government seeking to promote religious
    freedoms has pledged to address the problems of the religious
    minorities. In the past few years, it amended laws to allow for the
    return of some of the properties, but restrictions remained and the
    issue on how to resolve properties that were sold on to third parties
    was left unsolved.

    The decree overcomes those restrictions and helps scupper further court rulings.

    `There was huge pressure from the European Court of Human Rights which
    has already ruled against Turkey,' said Orhan Kemal Cengiz a human
    rights activist and lawyer who specializes in minority issues.

    `It is nevertheless a very important development,' he said. `With the
    return of properties and the compensations, the minority communities
    will be able to strengthen economically and their lives will be made

    The country's population of 74 million, mostly Muslim, includes an
    estimated 65,000 Armenian Orthodox Christians, 23,000 Jews and fewer
    than 2,500 Greek Orthodox Christians.

    Religious minorities have often complained of discrimination in
    Turkey, which had a history of conflict with Greece and with Armenians
    who accuse Turkish authorities of trying to exterminate them early in
    the last century. Turkey says the mass killings at that time were the
    result of the chaos of war, rather than a systematic campaign of
    genocide. Few minority members have been able to hold top positions in
    politics, the military or the public service.

    Turkey is also under intense pressure to reopen a seminary that
    trained generations of Greek Orthodox patriarchs. The Halki
    Theological School on Heybeliada Island, near Istanbul, was closed to
    new students in 1971 under a law that put religious and military
    training under state control. The school closed its doors in 1985,
    when the last five students graduated.

    Pressure from the U.S.

    As the Armenian Weekly has reported in recent months, there were more
    than 2,000 Armenian churches operating in what is Today Turkey before
    the Armenian genocide of 1915. Most of these churches were destroyed
    and their properties confiscated. The aforementioned decree does not
    include these church properties. It is only limited to properties
    confiscated in the past 75 years.

    The Erdogan decree coincides with increased U.S. Congressional
    scrutiny of Turkey's repression of its Christian minority. Last month,
    with a vote of 43-1, the House Foreign Affairs Committee adopted an
    amendment to the State Department Authorization bill, spearheaded by
    Ranking Democrat Howard Berman (D-Calif.) and Rep. David Cicilline
    (D-R.I.), calling for the return of Christian Churches confiscated by
    the Turkish government and and end of Turkey's discrimination against
    its Christian communities. Armenian National Committee of America
    (ANCA) Executive Director Aram Hamparian welcomed that decision,
    stating, `Ninety six years after the genocide perpetrated against the
    Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians, the Turkish Government has destroyed
    or confiscated the vast majority of their holy sites and places of
    worship. The Foreign Affairs Committee today sent a powerful message
    to Turkey that it must come to terms with this brutal legacy, respect
    religious freedom of surviving Christian communities, and return the
    fruits of its crimes.' The passage of the resolution was also hailed
    by Greek and Syriac American organizations, including the American
    Hellenic Educational and Public Affairs Association (AHEPA), American
    Hellenic Institute (AHI), American Hellenic Council (AHC) and the
    Syriac Universal Alliance, among many others.

    The amendment is similar to a resolution (H.Res.306), introduced in
    June by Representatives Ed Royce (R-Calif.) and Howard Berman
    (D-Calif.), which has over 35 cosponsors.

    Turkey's treatment of its Christian minority has also emerged as an
    issue to contention in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    consideration of U.S. Ambassador to Turkey nominee Francis
    Ricciardone. In response to questions submitted by Senator Robert
    Menendez (D-N.J.), Amb. Ricciardone erroneously asserted that a
    majority of Christian churches functioning in 1915 continue to operate
    as churches today. A revised response recently submitted to the key
    Senate panel continued to misrepresent the number of functioning
    churches. Armenian American church leaders issued powerfully worded
    spiritual messages in response to the Ambassador's statement. In an
    Aug. 15 statement, Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the
    Armenian Apostolic Church of Eastern U.S. stressed that the
    Ambassador's initial assertion was `so blatantly false that it cannot
    remain unchallenged.' He went on to explain that `the facts are quite
    clear. From the massacres of Armenians in 1895-96 and the Armenian
    Genocide in 1915, to the decades following the establishment of the
    Turkish republic, Christian houses of worship were systematically
    destroyed or confiscated. My own church's hierarchal see, the Armenian
    Catholicosate of Cilicia, was a victim of this process, and today is
    exiled in Lebanon. The archives of the Catholicosate contain hundreds
    of original deeds and other documentation of churches and church owned
    property that was confiscated.'

    The Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Eastern U.S.,
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian stated that Amb. Ricciardone's response
    had `deeply offended Armenian-Americans', explaining that `the loss of
    these many hundreds of churches, their neglect and outright
    destruction, and the conversion of many of our sanctuaries into
    mosques, is a matter of intense pain to Armenians: an ongoing reminder
    of the loss of life and the destruction that we suffered as a result
    of the 1915 Genocide.
