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Opportune occasion to recall the signatures, said Harut Sassounian

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  • Opportune occasion to recall the signatures, said Harut Sassounian

    Opportune occasion to recall the signatures, said Harut Sassounian
    27.08.2011 14:35

    Armenians in the center of attention again turned up in Turkey when
    the Turkish parliament the previous Parliament did not include the
    hundreds of other bills, including the protocols.

    In this connection, a formal response in the absence of commentators
    and politicians are expressing an opinion, it should immediately use
    the convenient opportunity to invalidate its signature.

    "California Courier" newspaper publisher and Editor Harut Sassounian
    always been against the protocols, now thinks that Turkish diplomacy
    and international pressure to avoid the authorities once again visible
    on the government of Armenia should call without delay, with his

    Harut Sassounian "Radiolur" also criticized the conversation with all
    parties and organizations, even those who criticize the authorities of
    Armenia's Independence Day, the opportunity to use the opportunity
    while it is a holiday, when our national unity should be displayed.
