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Iran launches carbon fiber production amid sanctions

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  • Iran launches carbon fiber production amid sanctions

    Iran launches carbon fiber production amid sanctions

    August 27, 2011 - 15:33 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Iran has inaugurated its own production of carbon
    fiber, a material under U.N. embargo because of its potential use in
    the country's controversial nuclear program, AP reported citing
    official IRNA news agency.

    Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi said Iran decided to manufacture
    the strategic material domestically since it could no longer access
    carbon fiber on foreign markets because of the international

    "Because of the restrictions imposed by the enemies, Iran faced
    challenges in getting access to carbon fiber," Vahidi said. "That had
    caused a bottleneck in Iran's production of advanced and smart defense
    systems," he said, claiming Iran has mastered the entire process of
    carbon fiber production.

    Iran uses carbon fiber for more advanced centrifuges, which spin
    uranium gas to produce enriched uranium. Low-enriched uranium can be
    used as nuclear fuel while highly enriched uranium can be used in a

    Carbon fiber is extremely strong, light and flexible, with high
    tolerance for heat. It can be used in aerospace and civil engineering,
    as well as for military purposes. Its production is extremely complex.

    Because of the UN ban on sales of carbon fiber to Iran, Tehran has
    previously had to buy it on foreign markets, presumably through
    middlemen. It has not disclosed where it obtained previous batches.
