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Why Serzh Sargsyan Felt Bad

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  • Why Serzh Sargsyan Felt Bad

    Why Serzh Sargsyan Felt Bad

    Haik Aramyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 14:08:34 - 27/08/2011

    Armenian press reported that Serzh Sargsyan visited Nairi Medical
    Center yesterday. Perhaps he has health problems. The press reported
    that recently Serzh Sargsyan has had regularly visits to this hospital
    which has a special presidential ward.

    Recent developments in Armenia and around Armenia are highly
    interesting. First, both Nagorno-Karabakh `settlement' and
    Armenian-Turkish normalization were cancelled. It seemed to signal a
    shift of focus to internal life. Actually, the Armenian political
    class was deprived of the chance to use external issues to maneuver in
    internal ones. For its part, it means that a heated season is awaiting

    In internal life, developments did not wait long. Several significant
    events were reported. One of them was the story of resignation of one
    of the pillars of the business-political system, the chief of the
    State Revenue Committee. This story was marked by some leakages
    through WikiLeaks on the possessions and activities of the Armenian

    WikiLeaks revealed facts of unlawful, criminal activities of the
    political-business system of Armenia.

    Besides, WikiLeaks revealed U.S. Ambassador Yovanovitch's cables on
    ex-president Levon Ter-Petrosyan. Yesterday, the dialogue between the
    authorities and the Armenian National Congress was suspended, the
    sides accused each other of breaching mutual agreements.

    These things don't seem interrelated. But only at first sight. In
    reality, the `Armenian topic' is again on the agenda of the world, in
    terms of internal transformations in the country and serious external
    transformations in perspective.

    Apparently, the controllable chaos technology applied to Armenia for a
    lasting period of time is already producing its results in demolishing
    the criminal oligarchy in Armenia and in fundamental reforms. We may
    say that the second and more intensive stage of this process is

    A crucial role is awaiting Armenia in the regional heat, and a
    partner-Armenia is needed which will have the capacity to take on this
    role. For this role, the present elite in Armenia are absolutely
    useless and inadequate. It is evident from the mess and ideological
    void dominating the political class.

    Who will be the force which will lead this process adequately to these

    From: A. Papazian