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BAKU: Pakistan to continue to extend support to Azerbaijan on NK iss

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  • BAKU: Pakistan to continue to extend support to Azerbaijan on NK iss, Azerbaijan
    Aug 26 2011

    Pakistan to continue to extend support to Azerbaijan on Karabakh issue
    Fri 26 August 2011 12:19 GMT | 8:19 Local Time

    Pakistan greatly values its close brotherly relations with Azerbaijan.

    Chairman Senate of Pakistan Farooq H. Naek Friday said Pakistan
    greatly values its close brotherly relations with Azerbaijan which is
    based on historical, cultural and religious commonality.

    Talking to the newly appointed Ambassador of Azerbaijan to
    Pakistan,Dashgin Shikarov who called on him here at the Parliament
    House he said the two countries enjoy commonalities of views on
    various regional and international issues.`The support that we extend
    to each other on different issues is the manifestation of our strong
    ties,' he added.Expressing his satisfaction over the close cooperation
    between the two countries in different fields, the chairman said the
    bilateral trade and economic cooperation can be greatly enhanced, the
    bilateral trade volume which stands at USD 11.55m per annum is not
    commensurate with the potential that exists between the two countries,
    there exists tremendous scope for cooperation in the field of defense.

    `Our two countries must jointly explore further avenues of cooperation
    in this field,' he further added.

    The Chairman appreciated Azerbaijan's support to the cause of Kashmir
    and Pakistan's endeavors for peaceful settlement of the dispute in
    accordance with the UN resolution and wishes of Kashmiri people.

    Naek said Pakistan will continue to extend principle support to
    Azerbaijan on the Nagorno Karabakh issue and other territories
    illegally occupied by Armenia.
    He also underscore the need for more frequent Parliamentary exchanges
    and people to people contact for mutual advantage and said that such
    contacts help consolidate the existing ties.

    The Ambassador thanked the Chairman for receiving him at the
    Parliament House and assured him that he will make all possible
    efforts to further strengthen the friendly relations between the two

    The Chairman congratulated the Ambassador on his appointment as
    Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Pakistan and hoped that he will use his
    good offices to further strengthen bilateral relations between the two


    From: Baghdasarian