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Russian-Armenian Businessman On Russia's Transformation And Business

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  • Russian-Armenian Businessman On Russia's Transformation And Business


    Below is an excerpt from an interview with Ruben Vardanyan, President
    of the Moscow-based Troika Dialog investment and asset management
    company, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Russian Venture company,
    published by SPEAR'S Russia:

    - What do you need to remain what your are?

    - You cannot deceive yourself. I am well are of my own faults, and it
    is important for me to be hones to myself. I am the strictest judge
    for myself.

    - What is there is business that you consider unethical or even

    - I have seen a lot in Russia. Some things are most difficult to
    comprehend. A big businessman was eager to purchase a plant and had the
    owner's son imprisoned to force his father into signing the papers...

    "Ethical" is a term without much weight in Russia... Unethical is
    when people think everything is permissible. Capitalism makes people
    think that money has no smell. But your success depends on how you
    achieve it.

    - What would you punish the people you work with for?

    - At one of the banks officers were fined for dirty shoes. In Troika
    we have no punishment system. Punishing is the last thing to be done.

    If you form a team of liberal and professional people, there is no
    punishing them. You can express your discontent and reduce their
    bonuses. But it is not punishment...

    - What is more important: strictly following your principles or
    being flexible?

    - Certainly, you should be flexible and tolerant. But where is the
    limit? Sometimes you have to agree on compromise in business. You are
    not living in an environment with all the steps described in detail...

    - When would you be the first to attack?

    - My father would say: 'You have to be very strong to be kind.' I
    have not been involved in 'corporate wars' since I opened up business
    20 years ago. I am not a ruffian, but in some cases I had to be the
    first to strike... It has nothing to do with business though.

    - What is your living standard?

    - I have never counted... I fly both economy class and take charter
    flights. Books are not so expensive. I do not collect cars or watches.

    I spend very little on clothing. Except for trips and charity, it is
    several hundred U.S. dollars a year.

    - What about sense of safety and confidence in the future?

    - Long ago I decided that I would not like to find myself in a
    situation when I would have to run across the street only because
    I could feel ashamed of looking in a person's eyes. It is a sense
    of peace and safety for me. But I cannot claim that I have never
    made mistakes...

    - What about the acknowledgement of your services? Do you have
    any titles?

    - Client confidence is the key factor in our business. We do not need
    any titles.

    - Have you completely realized your business potential? Is your
    business a platform for self-expression or you have another?

    - Of course, not. There are always opportunities for more and better.

    As to self-expression, I have business school projects and I am
    working much on them. I also have charity industry plans.

    - Are you striving to improve the world by means of business?

    - I think I am. In 1991, when we started our business, very few people
    believed Russia would even have the market economy we are having now.

    The world was different, and many people have realized their potential
    due to our activities, including the foundation of the Troika Dialog
    company... That is, the transformation process in Russia was due to
    our efforts. Have we succeeded in every way? No, but we have greatly
    contributed by being the first to create products and infrastructure.

    We have done more than just making money.
